Hi i have just started my c++ class and really having hard time with that.i was assigned to draw a graph which should look like dis :


This is what i am trying but getting only this result :

Please help me out with this:

using namespace std;

int main()

        int i=0;
        while (i<4)
        int j=0;
        while (j<5)
return 0;   

First off, please use code tags, it makes your code easy to read.

Now your loops

while (i<4)

This will print out "****"

Your next loop

while (j<5)

will add a "*" to the first line, then print a newline and then print 4 more lines with "*", giving you your output !

In your case you need to print 5 lines with 5 "*"'s in each line. You need a nested loop.
For example:

initialize i;
  initialize j;
  while (i < 5){
    while(j < 5){
      do your stuff
      inc j;
    reset j to 0;
    inc i;

This is what i got


using this code :

using namespace std;

int main()

        int i=0;
        int j=0;
        while (i<4)
        while (j<5)
        return 0;

sorry i m not sure how to put them in 'code tags'

You need to use a nested loop, as I said in the post above. Your code loops as I explained already will not work.

In order to put them into code tags put your code between the tags [ code ] and [ / code ] (lose the spaces).

Hallo here an object oriented solution for your problem. I am expecting u to play with it and test different graphs :)

Dont be scared from the size.

//this is kind of object oriented solution

#include <iostream>

class CHorBar
	CHorBar (int numSymbols)
		std::cout << "*";//When i first wrote this code I wanted to print sth like +------+
		//thats why this line was required for '+', now i simply changed it to '*' to adopt ti your needs
		for (int i=0;i<numSymbols;i++)
			std::cout << "*";//U can use what ever u want your graph to print
		std::cout << "*"<<std::endl; //When i first wrote this code I wanted to print sth like +------+
		//thats why this line was required for '+', now i simply changed it to '*' to adopt ti your needs
class CVerBar
//this class serves for printing a verical bar combined with the previously declared horizontal bar like e.g.:
//	**********	//horizontal
//	*
//	*
//	*//vertical
	CVerBar (int numSymbols)
		for (int i=0;i<numSymbols;i++)
			std::cout << "*"<<std::endl;
class CFrame
	//this class serves for printing a frame (verical bar combined with 2 horizontal bars) upper and lower like e.g.:
//	**********	// upper horizontal
//	*
//	*
//	*//vertical
//	*
//	*
//	**********	// lower horizontal
	CFrame (int hor,int ver):
	CHorBar	_upHorBar;
	CVerBar	_theVerBar;
	CHorBar	_lowHorBar;
class CLadder
	//	This class serves to print a ladder(combined frames)
	CLadder (int hor,int ver):
	CFrame	_firstFrame;
	CVerBar	_theVerBar;
	CFrame	_secFrame;

int main()
//different tests:
/*CHorBar aHorBar1(5);
CVerBar aVerBar1(3);
CHorBar aHorBar2(7);
CVerBar aVerBar2(4);
CHorBar aHorBar3(2);
CFrame aFrame(10,3);
CLadder aLadder(5,2);*/

	//What u need is
for(int i=0;i<5;++i)
	CHorBar aHorBar3(3);

Have fun and hope I helped u.

What would a flowchart for this program look like?


for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<5; i++)
        cout << "*"
    cout << endl;

Hmm... I'm trying to figure out who that post was intended for.

you closed the i loop and then started the j loop. your program should actually look like this: i tested it:

//you closed the i loop and then started the j loop. your program should actually look like this: i tested it:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

int i=0; int j=0;

while (i<5) {

while(j<5) {






if(i<5) { j=0; }


return 0;


note: it would have been better for you to have used nested for loops;

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