I have a problem with bulding a program to store a family record (genogram), this record consits of : name, birthday, married? and number of child. What is the best way to store this record???

Could you give me some example about some task on this structure : Input name and check if he/she is in family record or not.If he/she was found, display all sub-generation of him/her and display all person is same generation with him/her.


Member Avatar for iamthwee

A linked list sounds ideal...

Can you describle it clearlier, such as a example

Iamthwee is going to hate me for giving this link, but : linked lists ;)

For your particular case, you might need to create a bit advanced linked list because people have a variable number of children ...

How about tree, can i use a n-tree to describe it! The thing which i want mention here is what structure is most suitable for store and hanlde

How about tree, can i use a n-tree to describe it!

Yup, same site

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