I have built a SDI project in Visual C++ called HelloSDI. I used a book I bought
to learn about Windows applications. The project compiles 0 errors and 0 warnings.
The project has a simple dialog box added to it. When I run the program up pops a window that is blank.
The dialog is not there. On further searching I guess I have to add a override the OnInitialUpdate()
method of the CView class with this code
ChelloDlg HelloDlg;
HelloDlg.DoModal(); to make the dialog pop up at initialization.

My problem is I don’t know where the OnInitialUpdate code is put into my project. Some say you can use a menu
Handler to add the code into, but I cant find away to do that either.
My book is unclear……. Can you help me. Jim

hmm, isn't that showModal() ?

You can go into mesage handlers and add a function for WM_INITIALUPDATE. If you click on this, it will probably show that the OnInitialUpdate fxn is there but not shown in ClassWizard yet.
If you prefer you can add a menu item that calls DoModal for your dialog.

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