i have adodc1 i want to assign pressing f1 is the first data and f2 in next and f3 is previous and f4 is last data can anyone help me? please help me i need it!

Use Key ASCii Value of That Keys.
Set a Condidtion,"if <Key ASCii>=<Key Code> then ACTION Else ACTION"

can u give me example please?

If Shift And vbCtrlMask And KeyCode = vbKeyE Then
If cmdEdit.Enabled = True Then

I think you want to asign a shortcut key , if so, IN VB, you can write this code in the Form Keydown event, like this:

If Shift And vbCtrlMask And KeyCode = vbKeyF1 Then
ElseIf Shift And vbCtrlMask And KeyCode = vbKeyF2 Then
ElseIf Shift And vbCtrlMask And KeyCode = vbKeyF3 Then
ElseIf Shift And vbCtrlMask And KeyCode = vbKeyF4 Then
end if

Different KeyBoard Key can assign to Diff shortcut for your form.

I Think this will be helpful to you.

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