How can I get a compiler for C++ like Dev-Cpp to support chinese character and pinyin input? Like if I wanted to make a chinese program that would allow chinese input and output in the console window... Example:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
int main() {
wchar_t input;
char loop;

while(loop = 'a') {

cout << "Input Chinese Characters or pinyin to translate to english: ";
cin >> input;
if(input = "你") { 
cout << "nǐ = you" << endl; 
if(input = "您") {
cout << "nín = you (with respect)" << endl; 
if(input = "我") {
cout << "wǒ = I; me; my; (anything that has to do with yourself)" << endl; 
if(input = "星") {
cout << "xīng = star;" << endl; 
if(input = "期") {
cout << "qī = period of time; " << endl; 
if(input = "子") {
cout << "zi = word; character;" << endl; 
if(input = "好") {
cout << "hǎo = to be good/well;" << endl; 
if(input = "姓") {
cout << "xìng = family name; last name;" << endl; 
if(input = "今") {
cout << "jīn = now;" << endl; 
if(input = "天") {
cout << "tiān = today; sky;" << endl;
return 0;


So pinyin is like 'xìng' and the characters are like '姓'. So some how im wondering how I could create a program that would be like a dictionary type thing.

你教什么名字 = nǐ jiáo shén me míng zi? = whats your full name?
您好 = nín hǎo! = hello! (Respectfully).
今天星期二 = jīn tiān xīng qī èr = today is tuesday.
星期 = xīng qī = week.

I don't think there is a type that will allow you support chinese characters natively. You will need some kind of unicode support for it. I don't know if there is an external library out there that will allow you to read these in. But in the absence of that, you will need to build in a mapping table, and map the bytes you are reading in to your table, and probably have another table for any corresponding translated values.

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