Hi all, first time user on this website and I'm very new to Java so I'm kind of stuck on this I would appreciate any help I can get. My assignment is as follows and I got everything except one last part that I cant figure out how to write it. It deals with the remainder operator.

Write a program (DivideTwo.java) that does the following: allows a user to enter two integers; divides the two; and prints one of two messages based on the result.
IF the first divided by the second is a whole number (remainder is zero) print:
Sample program run
Please enter an integer: 14
Please enter another integer: 7
14 divided by 7 is: 2

Otherwise print:
Sample program run
Please enter an integer: 23
Please enter another integer: 4
23 divided by 4 is: 5 with a remainder of 3
23 divided by 4 is: 5.75

So the part you are having trouble with is the bold section? If it is think about what modulus ( % ) does. It finds the remainder in division. You need the largest whole number that fits, plus the remainder. So, what I would do is create an value that is equal to the remainder

double remainder = (number1 % number2);

That will be your remainder and if you cast number3 to an int

(int) number3

than you have the largest whole number that fits and the remainder.

thank you for your help!

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