I am confused because of those term
1) Endian , Procuste( I don't know if the second term is correct because I tried to look it up but I can't find it)
a) Who/What
b) Origin. History
c) How applies to Simple Data type
This is my answer for the endian,

The order of bytes in a multi-byte value. It can also be the order of bits in a byte. Big-endian and little-endian are the common forms of endianness, and middle-endian is another.

(10) What is endianness of processor?
If the size of data type is more than one byte then endianness decides the memory representation of data type.There are two type of endianness.
Little-endian: The processor which follow the following memory representation of data is known as little-endian processor.

First A will fill then B then C then D then E and so on from right to left.
Example of processor: 8085,8086,8088,80286,80386,p1,p2 etc.
Big-endian: The processor which follow the following memory representation of data is known as big-endian processor.

First A will fill then B then C then D then E from right to left.

how about the second term

how about the second term

I've never heard of the word "Procuste". Are you sure it's spelled correctly?

the second term is " Procrustes

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