I have asked this question before and have not gotten a completely useful answer. I am trying to sort a number of any size. For example: if 643597 is entered, the output should be 345679.

>>I have asked this question before and have not gotten a completely useful answer.

I saw your previous post, and also the answers to that post. There were some useful ideas, that you could apply - store each digit in an array; as long as you use int values, the size of your array will not be bigger than 10...etc, etc...

this is jst my quiz in the class today.. by using 2 loop and swap the lower number ...

int a[arraysize],hold

for (i=0;i<arraysize-1;i++)
for (j=0; j<arraysize-1;j++)
if (a>a[i+1])
{ hold = a;

I have asked this question before and have not gotten a completely useful answer. I am trying to sort a number of any size. For example: if 643597 is entered, the output should be 345679.

Heres a simple solution using the stl

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
int main()
//sort using a char array.
char cArr[] = "15462";
int len = strlen(cArr);

std::sort(cArr, cArr + len);

std::cout<<"Sorted char array is: "<<cArr<<"\n";

//or we can sort on vector or any other container
std::vector<int> num;

//create number 15462


std::cout<<"Sorted vector is: ";
for(int i = 0; i<num.size(); ++i)
return 0;

thanks. I ended up using a character array. It works great!

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