I wonder for if I have a made a formapplication in VC++ 2008 Express Edtion that consists of 10 forms and I am for the moment writing code in Form10 and then want to compile and test the function.

What I wonder is if I only can compile Form10 and not the whole application(10 Forms)(F7) everytime because each compiliation takes about 1-2 minutes and then perheps this is not neccesary to do.

Is it possible to only compile Form10 and make the changes work ?

Try ctrl-F7 ??

I tried Ctrl-F7 and it compiled the form3 for example.

You can only Ctrl-F7(Compile) if you Select Form3.resx. It is also possible to
rightclick Form3.resx and choose Compile.
If I do this with a change I did in Form3, the change that I did is not changed anyway.
I need to F7(Build Solution) in order to make the change.

This should be possible to do as I can imagine. Think of if you have a big project, say 50 Forms, that would take 3-4 minutes to compile.

For the moment when I am working I perheps Compiles about 60 times during a day to see the changes and by this I loose 2 hours only compiling.

Try ctrl-F7 ??

I'm not sure, but if you just hit F5, only code that changed will recompile. Unmodified code will be left as it was. But I might be wrong and I can't test it right now.

If I press F5, it still takes exactly the same time for the compiler to compile, (1 min 15 sek) as if I pressed F7.
I can see the compiler go through 7 of 10 forms and not only Form3 where I did a minimal change to a string.
If this is possible to only compile one Form, it would be so great but cant find anything in the menus or on the net if it is possible.

I'm not sure, but if you just hit F5, only code that changed will recompile. Unmodified code will be left as it was. But I might be wrong and I can't test it right now.

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