Hello, I'm having a simple problem.

For my program, each song has an id number which stores the songs information. For my deleteSong function, I am asking the user what id of the song does he/she wants to be deleted. After the user enters the id of the song he/she wants to delete, I then print out the list of songs. After I print the list of songs, the problem is the song that is chosen to be deleted remains on the list, while all other songs that were on the list is now deleted. Basically, I just want the song that user chooses to delete, but instead of it being deleted, the others are deleted. How do I solve this problem in my code?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

const int SONGS = 2;

using namespace std;
struct mp3Type
    int id;
    string songTitle;
    string artist;
    string length;
    string size;
    mp3Type *link;

void addSong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last);
void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first);
void modifySong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last);
void printSong(mp3Type*& first);

int main()
	mp3Type *first, *last;
	char selection;
         cout<<"a - Add a song "<<endl;
         cout<<"d - Delete a song"<<endl;
         cout<<"m - Modify a song's information "<<endl;
         cout<<"p - Print a list of songs "<<endl;
         cout<<"q - Quit "<<endl;
                          case 'a': addSong(first,last);
                          case 'd': deleteSong(first);
                          case 'm': modifySong(first,last);
                          case 'p': printSong(first);
                          case 'q': 
                          default: cout<<"Invalid option "<<endl;
          while (selection != 'q');
	        return 0;

void addSong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last)
    int id;
    char songTitle[100];
    char artist[100];
    string length;
    string size;
    mp3Type *newNode;
    char selection;
    first = NULL;
    last = NULL;
        for (int i = 0; i < SONGS; i++)
         cout<<"Adding song # "<<i+1<<endl;
         cout<<"\nSong title: ";
         std::cin.getline(songTitle, 100);
         std::cin.getline(songTitle, 100);
         cout<<"ID: ";
         cout<<"Artist: ";
         std::cin.getline(artist, 100);
         std::cin.getline(artist, 100);; 
         cout<<"Length: ";
         cout<<"Size: ";
         newNode = new mp3Type; // create new node
         newNode->songTitle = songTitle;
         newNode->id = id;
         newNode->artist = artist;
         newNode->length = length;
         newNode->size = size;
         newNode->link = NULL;
         if (first == NULL)
            first = newNode;
            last = newNode;
           last->link = newNode;
           last = newNode;

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent;
  bool found;
  int id;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;
          for (int i = 0; i < SONGS; i++)
         if (first->link != NULL)
           current = first->link;
           first->link = first->link->link;
           delete current;
         found = false;
         trailcurrent = first;
         current = first->link;

void modifySong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last)
   int id;
   char newsongTitle[100];
   char newartist[100];
   string newlength;
   string newsize;
   bool found = false;
   mp3Type *current;
   current = first;
   cout<<"Enter the id of the song to modify information"<<endl;
   while (current != NULL)
    if (current->id == id)
         cout<<"Song title: ";
         std::cin.getline(newsongTitle, 100);
         std::cin.getline(newsongTitle, 100);
         cout<<"Artist: ";
         std::cin.getline(newartist, 100);
         cout<<"Length: ";
         cout<<"Size: ";
     current->songTitle = newsongTitle;
     current->artist = newartist;
     current->length = newlength;
     current->size = newsize;
   current = current->link; 


void printSong(mp3Type*& first)
     cout<<"Printing song list..."<<endl;
     mp3Type *current;
        current = new mp3Type;
        current = first;    
        while (current != NULL)
          cout<<current-> songTitle <<endl;
          cout<<current-> id <<endl;
          cout<<current-> artist <<endl;
          cout<<current-> length <<endl;
          cout<<current-> size <<endl;
          current = current->link;


your coded logic reads something like this:

get information from user, but ignore it

for as many songs as there are in the list
  if list is longer than two 
     delete the second song in the list
     assign a value to a flag but never evaluate the flags value

That doesn't correlate very well with your intentions.

The whole code for deleteSong is wrong? o_O

your coded logic reads something like this:

get information from user, but ignore it

for as many songs as there are in the list
  if list is longer than two 
     delete the second song in the list
     assign a value to a flag but never evaluate the flags value

That doesn't correlate very well with your intentions.

should it be

for (int i = id; i < songs; i++)

first->link = current->link->link;

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent;
  bool found;
  int id;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;
          for (int i = 0; i < SONGS; i++)
         if (first->link != NULL)
           current = first->link;
           first->link = first->link->link;
           delete current;
         found = false;
         trailcurrent = first;
         current = first->link;

I think it has something to do with my pointer, but how do i point it to the right direction?

your coded logic reads something like this:

get information from user, but ignore it

for as many songs as there are in the list
  if list is longer than two 
     delete the second song in the list
     assign a value to a flag but never evaluate the flags value

That doesn't correlate very well with your intentions.

Let me put in right way..
you are creating the renewing list each time you add new nodes (new songs).
in every insertion ... your list pointer is set in to NULL. causing the earlier information to run in vein.

....other part later...

It's more than that.

In order to delete the node you have to find it first. Then, since this is a singly linked list, you need to find the node before the node you want to delete (unless of course you want to delete the first node in the list). Then you point the node prior to the one you want to delete to the one after the one you want to delete. That will remove the desired node from the list, but not delete the memory used to store the node so use the keyword delete to actually delete the desired node

check line no. 73. & 74.

It's more than that.

In order to delete the node you have to find it first. Then, since this is a singly linked list, you need to find the node before the node you want to delete (unless of course you want to delete the first node in the list). Then you point the node prior to the one you want to delete to the one after the one you want to delete. That will remove the desired node from the list, but not delete the memory used to store the node so use the keyword delete to actually delete the desired node

Do I need an identifier called previousnode?

There come 3 condition while deleting..
1. node is at the front
2. node is at last
3. node is in between

You need to have the previous node of the list in order to join again...

You can always refer to any reference book for the while.

Or something like that yes.

node * currentNode
node * previousNode

//where to start
currentNode = first;

//find desired node
while(currentNode != NULL && currentNode->id != id)
  previousNode = currentNode;
  currentNode = currentNode->next;

//when loop stops, evaluate why.
if(currentNode == NULL)
  id not found in list
//else id found so now do the deletion part

Or something like that yes.

node * currentNode
node * previousNode

//where to start
currentNode = first;

//find desired node
while(currentNode != NULL && currentNode->id != id)
  previousNode = currentNode;
  currentNode = currentNode->next;

//when loop stops, evaluate why.
if(currentNode == NULL)
  id not found in list
//else id found so now do the deletion part

I tried to follow what you told me to do, but now it doesn't delete anything on the list at all. Is there something I did wrong in the code?

Here is the program with deleteSong function updated:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

const int SONGS = 2;

using namespace std;
struct mp3Type
    int id;
    string songTitle;
    string artist;
    string length;
    string size;
    mp3Type *link,*next;

void addSong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last);
void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first);
void modifySong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last);
void printSong(mp3Type*& first);

int main()
	mp3Type *first, *last,*next;
	char selection;
         cout<<"a - Add a song "<<endl;
         cout<<"d - Delete a song"<<endl;
         cout<<"m - Modify a song's information "<<endl;
         cout<<"p - Print a list of songs "<<endl;
         cout<<"q - Quit "<<endl;
                          case 'a': addSong(first,last);
                          case 'd': deleteSong(first);
                          case 'm': modifySong(first,last);
                          case 'p': printSong(first);
                          case 'q': 
                          default: cout<<"Invalid option "<<endl;
          while (selection != 'q');
	        return 0;

void addSong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last)
    int id;
    char songTitle[100];
    char artist[100];
    string length;
    string size;
    mp3Type *newNode;
    char selection;
    first = NULL;
    last = NULL;
        for (int i = 0; i < SONGS; i++)
         cout<<"Adding song # "<<i+1<<endl;
         cout<<"\nSong title: ";
         std::cin.getline(songTitle, 100);
         std::cin.getline(songTitle, 100);
         cout<<"ID: ";
         cout<<"Artist: ";
         std::cin.getline(artist, 100);
         std::cin.getline(artist, 100);; 
         cout<<"Length: ";
         cout<<"Size: ";
         newNode = new mp3Type; // create new node
         newNode->songTitle = songTitle;
         newNode->id = id;
         newNode->artist = artist;
         newNode->length = length;
         newNode->size = size;
         newNode->link = NULL;
         if (first == NULL)
            first = newNode;
            last = newNode;
           last->link = newNode;
           last = newNode;

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent,*previous,*next;
  bool found;
  int id;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;
         while(current != NULL && current->id != id)
          previous = current;
          current = current->next;

        if(current == NULL)
           found = false;
         found = true;
         delete current;

void modifySong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last)
   int id;
   char newsongTitle[100];
   char newartist[100];
   string newlength;
   string newsize;
   bool found = false;
   mp3Type *current;
   current = first;
   cout<<"Enter the id of the song to modify information"<<endl;
   while (current != NULL)
    if (current->id == id)
         cout<<"Song title: ";
         std::cin.getline(newsongTitle, 100);
         std::cin.getline(newsongTitle, 100);
         cout<<"Artist: ";
         std::cin.getline(newartist, 100);
         cout<<"Length: ";
         cout<<"Size: ";
     current->songTitle = newsongTitle;
     current->artist = newartist;
     current->length = newlength;
     current->size = newsize;
   current = current->link; 


void printSong(mp3Type*& first)
     cout<<"Printing song list..."<<endl;
     mp3Type *current;
        current = new mp3Type;
        current = first;    
        while (current != NULL)
          cout<<current-> songTitle <<endl;
          cout<<current-> id <<endl;
          cout<<current-> artist <<endl;
          cout<<current-> length <<endl;
          cout<<current-> size <<endl;
          current = current->link;


Here is my deleteSong function that I updated. It is still not deleting the node that the user input. I have been trying to figure this out for week. This is frustrating..

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent,*previous,*next;
  bool found;
  int id;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;
         while(current != NULL && current->id != id)
          previous = current;
          current = current->next;
        if(current == NULL)
           found = false;
         found = true;
         delete current;

here's a simple sample code...
i don't test it yet :)...
let me know the result...

void push_back(mp3Type **p_type, int _id, string _sTitle, string _artist, string _length, string _size)
       mp3Type *p = new mp3Type;
       if (&p == NULL)
       p->id = _id;
       p->songTitle = _sTitle;
       p->artist = _artist;
       p->length = _length;
       p->size = _size;
       p->next = *p_type;
       *p_type = p;

void delete(mp3Type *p_type, mp3Type **ret_Type)
       mp3Type *t, *n;
       t = p_type;
       int id = 0;
       cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;
       while (t != NULL)
             if (t->id == id)
                   t = t->next;
                   continue; //-- pass
             int t_id = t->id;
             string t_sTitle = t->songTitle;
             string t_artist = t->artist;
             string t_length = t->length;
             string t_size = t->size;
             t = t->next;  
       *ret_Type = n;

//-- To call delete
//-- mp3Type *main_Type, *temp_Type;
//-- delete(main_Type, &temp_Type);

Unless you plan to use the variable called found somewhere there is no sense declaring it, changing it's value, etc.

There is a reason why previousNode is included in the pseudocode. It's because you need to know which node is the one just before the current node in order to connect it with the one just after the current node. That way when you delete the current node the list remains intact, you haven't created two separate lists from the original.

Since the first node in the list doesn't have a previous node you don't need to reconnect previous to next when you delete it, you can just reassign.

The last node in the list doesn't have a node after it. Won't that need to be handled as a special case, too? No it won't. At least it won't if you make sure all pointers to node in new nodes are assigned the value NULL when the new node is declared. If that's done then NULL can be assigned to the previous node just like an actual node.

if(currentNode == NULL)
  //id not in list
//if id is in the first node
else if(currentNode == first)  OR
else if(previousNode == NULL) //assuming previous is defaulted to NULL on declaration
  //reassign second node in list to be first
  //delete current node
else //id is in list and it's not in the first position
  //assign node after current node to node previous to current node
  //delete current node

This algorhithm works well for deleting the first instance of id in the list. It can be modified slightly if you want to delete all instances of id in the list.

here's a simple sample code...
i don't test it yet :)...
let me know the result...

void push_back(mp3Type **p_type, int _id, string _sTitle, string _artist, string _length, string _size)
       mp3Type *p = new mp3Type;
       if (&p == NULL)
       p->id = _id;
       p->songTitle = _sTitle;
       p->artist = _artist;
       p->length = _length;
       p->size = _size;
       p->next = *p_type;
       *p_type = p;

void delete(mp3Type *p_type, mp3Type **ret_Type)
       mp3Type *t, *n;
       t = p_type;
       int id = 0;
       cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;
       while (t != NULL)
             if (t->id == id)
                   t = t->next;
                   continue; //-- pass
             int t_id = t->id;
             string t_sTitle = t->songTitle;
             string t_artist = t->artist;
             string t_length = t->length;
             string t_size = t->size;
             t = t->next;  
       *ret_Type = n;

//-- To call delete
//-- mp3Type *main_Type, *temp_Type;
//-- delete(main_Type, &temp_Type);

That is code is hard for me to understand.

Unless you plan to use the variable called found somewhere there is no sense declaring it, changing it's value, etc.

There is a reason why previousNode is included in the pseudocode. It's because you need to know which node is the one just before the current node in order to connect it with the one just after the current node. That way when you delete the current node the list remains intact, you haven't created two separate lists from the original.

Since the first node in the list doesn't have a previous node you don't need to reconnect previous to next when you delete it, you can just reassign.

The last node in the list doesn't have a node after it. Won't that need to be handled as a special case, too? No it won't. At least it won't if you make sure all pointers to node in new nodes are assigned the value NULL when the new node is declared. If that's done then NULL can be assigned to the previous node just like an actual node.

if(currentNode == NULL)
  //id not in list
//if id is in the first node
else if(currentNode == first)  OR
else if(previousNode == NULL) //assuming previous is defaulted to NULL on declaration
  //reassign second node in list to be first
  //delete current node
else //id is in list and it's not in the first position
  //assign node after current node to node previous to current node
  //delete current node

This algorhithm works well for deleting the first instance of id in the list. It can be modified slightly if you want to delete all instances of id in the list.

Do I need to have "next" anymore? The last time I tried to include it, it said that it wasn't an mp3Type

You may use either link or next, but I wouldn't use both. They serve the same purpose. I usually use the name next but the name link makes sense too. It makes it harder for requestors of homework help to just cut and paste if answers I don't use all the same variable names they use. Hopefully, this forces the requestors learn soemthing about the concepts rather than the specifics when it comes to common algorithms. With the more complicated stuff that clearly isn't homework, then I'm more comfortable using the same names for all the variables as the requestor.

Should I use bool found?

I got it so that it deletes the first node, but the rest are still on the list. When I delete the first node though and then print the list, the first node is delete, but , the thing is, it leaves a piece of junk behind.

Here is my updated deleteSong function:

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent,*previous;
  int id = 0;
  bool found = false;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;

        while(current == NULL && current->id != id)
         previous = current;
         current = current->link;
         if (current == NULL)
         found = false;      
         found = true;
         delete current;

Now, i am able to get my 3rd song in the list to be deleted. I'm still having problems getting the song that I want the user to delete though. What do I need to change to make it work? Please help!

Here is my deleteSong function:

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent,*previous;
  int id = 0;
  bool found = false;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;

        while(current == NULL && current->id != id)
         previous = current;
         current = current->link;
         if (current == NULL)
         found = false; 
         first = current->link;    
         found = true;
         current = current->id;
         delete current;

>>Should I use bool found?
found is not needed at all in this function. You might want to use something like it as a return value indicating to the calling function that id was found, but in the mechinics of the deletion process it is not needed.

line 23 post # 21 is irrelevant and should be removed.

if you don't want to do anything in terms of user notification if id is not found in the list then you can ignore the case where current is NULL at the end of the loop and do something like this:

if(current != NULL) //id was found
   if(current == first)// id is in the first node of the list
     //do something, see my previous posts for pseudocode
     //do somethng else, see my previous posts for psuedocode.

It is very unlikely that you really want to assign the int in current->id as the address of an object stored in current like you try to do in line 28 post #21

Now, I'm back to deleting the first node again. Is the contents in this function is what you were guiding me towards?

should it be current = current->link->link

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*trailcurrent,*previous;
  int id = 0;
  bool found = false;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;

         if (current != NULL && current->id == id)
         if (current == first)
          first = current->link;
          delete current;           
         current = current->link;
         delete current;
if (current == first)         
    first = current->link;          
    delete current;

This is fine.

I've emphasized the importance of the role the previous node has in deleting a node from either the interior or the end of list in several previous posts and have to do so again. You won't get the code working correctly without it. Look at my pseudocode and my posts to figure out how to use it.

In addition

  current = current->link;         
  delete current;

current = current->link; advances current one node down the list. It does nothing about removing current from the list. Then deleting current without connecting previous to next breaks the list into two and the second half is lost because you can no longer access it since the last node of the first part of the list doesn't know the first node of the last part of the list. Take a look at the following:


If you delete B without connecting A to C before deleting B then you end up with:

A and C->D

A would still be accessable as first, but there is no way to reach C and D any longer since A knows nothing about C since you didn't store Cs address in As pointer before deleting B.

In your function you could find B okay, but then the current = current->link; statement will advance current to C and your delete current; statement would then delete C, the third node in the list, not the second, giving you

A->B and D but not A->C->D like you want.

Also the delete current statement would often be inside the body of the else statement, not outside of it. Since you don't use {}s after the else statement in post #23 it is outside the body of the else. In this case that's okay since it is legal to call delete on a NULL pointer, though it isn't something I recommend.

Hey, I updated the function. I added "previous" to the code, but am I suppose to set it to an mp3type? My function for deleteSong is updated and my full program is below. I tested out the deleteSong function, but when I delete the 3rd song, it does nothing. When delete the first song, it deletes the 2nd song and then it returns garbage numbers afterwards! Where do I go from here? and I closer to my destination? lol

Here is my updated function for deleteSong:

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*previous;
  int id = 0;
  bool found = false;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;

         if (current != NULL && current->id == id)
         if (current == first)
          previous = current;
          current = current->link;
          delete current;           
         current = current->previous;
         delete current;

Here is the full program:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

const int SONGS = 3;

using namespace std;
struct mp3Type
    int id;
    string songTitle;
    string artist;
    string length;
    string size;
    mp3Type *link,*previous;

void addSong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last);
void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first);
void modifySong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last);
void printSong(mp3Type*& first);

int main()
	mp3Type *first, *last,*next;
	char selection;
         cout<<"a - Add a song "<<endl;
         cout<<"d - Delete a song"<<endl;
         cout<<"m - Modify a song's information "<<endl;
         cout<<"p - Print a list of songs "<<endl;
         cout<<"q - Quit "<<endl;
                          case 'a': addSong(first,last);
                          case 'd': deleteSong(first);
                          case 'm': modifySong(first,last);
                          case 'p': printSong(first);
                          case 'q': 
                          default: cout<<"Invalid option "<<endl;
          while (selection != 'q');
	        return 0;

void addSong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last)
    int id;
    char songTitle[100];
    char artist[100];
    string length;
    string size;
    mp3Type *newNode;
    char selection;
    first = NULL;
    last = NULL;
        for (int i = 0; i < SONGS; i++)
         cout<<"Adding song # "<<i+1<<endl;
         cout<<"\nSong title: ";
         std::cin.getline(songTitle, 100);
         std::cin.getline(songTitle, 100);
         cout<<"ID: ";
         cout<<"Artist: ";
         std::cin.getline(artist, 100);
         std::cin.getline(artist, 100);; 
         cout<<"Length: ";
         cout<<"Size: ";
         newNode = new mp3Type; // create new node
         newNode->songTitle = songTitle;
         newNode->id = id;
         newNode->artist = artist;
         newNode->length = length;
         newNode->size = size;
         newNode->link = NULL;
         if (first == NULL)
            first = newNode;
            last = newNode;
           last->link = newNode;
           last = newNode;

void deleteSong(mp3Type*& first)
  mp3Type *last,*current,*previous;
  int id = 0;
  bool found = false;

  current = first;
  cout<<"Enter song ID that you like to delete"<<endl;

         if (current != NULL && current->id == id)
         if (current == first)
          previous = current;
          current = current->link;
          delete current;           
         current = current->previous;
         delete current;

void modifySong(mp3Type*& first, mp3Type*& last)
   int id;
   char newsongTitle[100];
   char newartist[100];
   string newlength;
   string newsize;
   bool found = false;
   mp3Type *current;
   current = first;
   cout<<"Enter the id of the song to modify information"<<endl;
   while (current != NULL)
    if (current->id == id)
         cout<<"Song title: ";
         std::cin.getline(newsongTitle, 100);
         std::cin.getline(newsongTitle, 100);
         cout<<"Artist: ";
         std::cin.getline(newartist, 100);
         cout<<"Length: ";
         cout<<"Size: ";
     current->songTitle = newsongTitle;
     current->artist = newartist;
     current->length = newlength;
     current->size = newsize;
   current = current->link; 


void printSong(mp3Type*& first)
     cout<<"Printing song list..."<<endl;
     mp3Type *current;
        current = new mp3Type;
        current = first;    
        while (current != NULL)
          cout<<current-> songTitle <<endl;
          cout<<current-> id <<endl;
          cout<<current-> artist <<endl;
          cout<<current-> length <<endl;
          cout<<current-> size <<endl;
          current = current->link;

Mission completed. Thanks guys! =)

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