
i just need to know is there any method in MFC / C++
which will do the validation for the entered date.
ie if the date 12/11/2008 is given as input it should return saying the date is valid.i hope there exsists some standard function.
it should also check for leap leap year,and wrong date such as 31/11/2008 etc. thanks in advance.

you could try the parsedate() member of COleDateTime:

if (!COleDateTime::ParseDateTime("12/11/2008")
     // That's not a date bucko!

I don't have MFC anymore, so I can't test it, but I'm sure it works somewhat like that. If this doesn't work you should have a look at the wxDateTime object from wxWidgets.

C works in MFC right? (sprintf/sscanf)

int main(int argc, char*argv[])
    int m,d,y;
    sscanf("%d/%d/%d", &m, &d, &y);
    if (checkdate(m,d,y)) 

bool checkdate(int m, int d, int y)
  //gregorian dates started in 1582
  if (! (1582<= y )  )//comment these 2 lines out if it bothers you
     return false;
  if (! (1<= m && m<=12) )
     return false;
  if (! (1<= d && d<=31) )
     return false;
  if ( (d==31) && (m==2 || m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) )
     return false;
  if ( (d==30) && (m==2) )
     return false;
  if ( (m==2) && (d==29) && (y%4!=0) )
     return false;
  if ( (m==2) && (d==29) && (y%400==0) )
     return true;
  if ( (m==2) && (d==29) && (y%100==0) )
     return false;
  if ( (m==2) && (d==29) && (y%4==0)  )
     return true;

  return true;

Stop spamming old threads, you asshole!


What are you talking about? Isn't this a CODE FORUM. So posting CODE on a CODE FORUM is okay right? Or did I miss the posting guidelines.

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