First, let me introduce myself. I was a pretty good C programmer, back when [and very modest as well.] I got into other lines of work and have been out of programming for several years. The other lines of work have ... you have read the headlines, right?

I need to obtain a C++ development kit to brush up my C++. I have an old Turbo C 4.5 SDK, but I can't get it to work with files, including the standard printer. I need something like the Turbo C SDK, but that will allow me to use files to create a couple of applications I need and allow me to get back into programming. I really don't need to buy the whole, expensive Microsoft multiple language SDK package. In fact the only way I could afford to buy that would be via the infamous 'five finger discount.'

I would appreciate recommendations to a C++ SDK that will do what I need and doesn't cost and arm and a leg. I did get the Miracle C SDK. It appears to compile and link OK, but the 'run screen' appears for maybe a second, with no output [not even 'Hello world!'] and then disappears.

HELP! Please.

Visual C++ Epress is a free version of Visual Studio, it just requires separate downloads for other languages.

Visual C++ Epress is a free version of Visual Studio, it just requires separate downloads for other languages.

I tried. It bombed on install of the first package.

what kind of computer and operating system do you have? Amount of RAM and size of hard drive. You will need Windows XP with SP2 or Vista to run that compiler.

If you don't have that, then you can download free Code::Blocks or Dev-C++. Dev-C++ is getting rather old now and all development on it has apparently halted. Code::Blocks is pretty current.

what kind of computer and operating system do you have? Amount of RAM and size of hard drive. You will need Windows XP with SP2 or Vista to run that compiler.

If you don't have that, then you can download free Code::Blocks or Dev-C++. Dev-C++ is getting rather old now and all development on it has apparently halted. Code::Blocks is pretty current.

I have Windows XP Home with SP3. I have a Gigabyte of RAM and a 160 Gigabyte hard drive. I tried the VC++ install again. It bombed again. I'll try Code::Blocks. Thanks.

If it "bombed" during download then maybe the problem is your internet connection. I think you can order it on CD for minimal amount -- usually about $5.00 USD

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