
I'm new to the forum. I studied x86 assembly about 25 years ago. I think we used a 8080 or 8086. It was all Dos back then, no Windows. Anyway, my career took me down another path and I would like to learn assembly again. My laptop and desktop are both AMD processors. I would like to pick up something cheap just to use for assembly. Your recommendations on which computer to look for would be most appreciated.

Thank you,

Frankly, the basics of it havent changed all that much since those days

MASM and NASM are the most used assemblers i think

Frankly, the basics of it havent changed all that much since those days

MASM and NASM are the most used assemblers i think

Thanks for the quick reply jbennet. Would there be any benefit in choosing one Intel processor (286, 386, or Pentium) over another to study assembly language? Thanks.


Not really. The core stuff is the same, it only really makes a diffrence if you want to play around extensions like SSE and whatever

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