General question:
If you want to create a homepage, wich application can you do this in ?

I know C++ well but I am not sure if you can use Visual C++ Express Edition 2008 for something like this ?

Does anyone have experience of this,
What application could otherwise be good to do this ?

A homepage for a website?
If so you should look into HTML/XHTML aswell as things like PHP Javascript...You may find this site helpful

p.s if this guess was right your in the wrong forum :D

If not a website i'm confused by your question.


Yes, I beleive this question is in the wrong forum :) but I was quite confused as I have only coded in C++ before.

But what I perheps thinking of is to make a contact site for musicians, that can contact eachothers. I beleive that is the same concept as an ordinary homepage or something simular as this site(daniweb) in functions, where we can contact eachother.

Thank you for the link, I will check that out.
A good way should be if I can use as much of my C++ thinking and apply that to perheps then HTML/XHTML or PHP Javascript etc...

A homepage for a website?
If so you should look into HTML/XHTML aswell as things like PHP Javascript...You may find this site helpful

p.s if this guess was right your in the wrong forum :D

If not a website i'm confused by your question.


You (and me) can create a homepage with Notepad only ;)

Something like daniweb is a forum mainly, i doubt you will make your own forum more just build of a forum host, try googling Forum Hosting it should turn up some good results.


Ok, I will check all this out and googling around and see
where I get.
Many thanks for the advices !

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