Good day, Happy new year to guys.
I Know that this is not the right forum for my question but I dont know which forum to post this. Pls accept my applogies in advance.

I need to develop a software that can receive info from a GPS receiver thru a GPS-enabled GSM SIM card.

I have downloaded GPS.NET 2.0 by Geoframeworks but i dont even know if that will be helpful. Infact I just dont know where to start.

Any guide on how to achieve this will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Is there no "how to" on their website? most of these things come with examples and so on.

Why don't you start where I would start: go to Build GPS Software With GPS.NET then choose Read Online Documentation
Excellent site btw.

Thanks Guys.
Appreciated your help. Will get back to you soon.

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