how can i loop a whole code and make it repeat until the user wants to stop.

boolean stop = false;

while (!stop) {

//code to be repeated 

//ask user if he/she wants to stop
if yes stop = true;

how would i ask them to stop or not
thank you for the help

This forum is full of examples on how to read input from the keyboard.
Do a little search.

Also check the classes:


This forum is full of examples on how to read input from the keyboard.
Do a little search.

Also check the classes:


so would i do something like this:

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter true to repeat game.");
boolean true =;

if this is right would i do this in the while loop or outside of it
thanks for your help

commented: Still no code tags -1

so would i do something like this:

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enter true to repeat game.");
boolean true =;

if this is right would i do this in the while loop or outside of it
thanks for your help

I don't believe that this is correct: boolean true =; because you can't give your variables names like: true which is a keyword for java.

I was thinking something like:

System.out.println("Enter N to stop game.");
String input =;

if (input.equals("N")) {
  stop = true;

But since you have marked the thread solved you probably have already figured it out

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