I'm working on a code for my project at college. The goal of the project is to find and extract keywords, and the sentences, which contain these keywords from many text files, which I have already downloaded from Internet using another code. These text files are actually source codes of different websites and my program needs to search for certain keywords, which I store in another text file called "keywords.txt". It should also search for all keywords in all text files. So I tried to do it using some while-loops. Although I got some results, my code only searchs for the first keywords, that lies on the top line of "keywords.txt" and other keywords are unfortunately not searched. I can search only this one keywords in all text files; I get the places and names of these text files from a file called "addresses.txt". Could you please look at my code and tell me what could be wrong about it and what should I do for my code to search for all keywords in "keywords.txt"?

I would also appreciate some hints about how I could manage this process using vector class, since using arrays is not really appropriate, because I have to change the size of arrays everytime when I add new addresses or keywords, manually. I have some knowledge of vectors, but I couldn't implement it into my code. Here is the code I have written:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream> // string stream class'ı
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

void Search_Keyword(void)
	int j = 0;
	int i = 0;
	size_t position = 0;
	string line;
	string keyword;
	string keyword_Array[10];
	string name_Array[13];
	string link_Array[13];
	string link;
	string name;
	ifstream addresses("addresses.txt");
	ifstream keywords("keywords.txt");
	keyword = "";

		keyword_Array[j] = keyword;
		string search_Str = keyword_Array[j];
			name_Array[i] = "URLS/";
			name_Array[i] += name;
			name_Array[i] += ".txt";
			link_Array[i] = link;
			ifstream url_txt(name_Array[i].c_str());
					string word;
					istringstream myObj(line); 
						if ((word == search_Str))
		cout<<"found "<<search_Str<<" in "<<name_Array[i]<<endl;
			if(i < 12)

int main()
	return 0;


Thanks for your help :)

I'm not sure if this will work, but try

while(keywords>>keyword != NULL)

Thanks for the reply, but it doesn't work..

> while(addresses>>link>>name)
Having got to the end of the addresses file once, where do you think you'll start off from with the second word from the keywords file?

Even for a short program, your indentation is mis-leading and needs work.

> while(addresses>>link>>name)
Having got to the end of the addresses file once, where do you think you'll start off from with the second word from the keywords file?

Even for a short program, your indentation is mis-leading and needs work.

If you are using VS2005+ press ctrl+a+k then f. This will run a macro to format all of your indents perfectly =)

As for the actual problem, I would go with a simpler method. Simply push all the keywords into a vector of strings, then load in the file to check against (a txt file) into another vector of strings. Then filter out the keywords manually, or get a little more elegant with a function such as SetIntersection() to find the similarities between the two, pushed into another vector. You can then use the resultant vector to do whatever parsing you wish (add the url info, etc)

This will cut your code down by about 70%, and will get you brownie points with your teacher =)

As for the actual problem, I would go with a simpler method. Simply push all the keywords into a vector of strings, then load in the file to check against (a txt file) into another vector of strings. Then filter out the keywords manually, or get a little more elegant with a function such as SetIntersection() to find the similarities between the two, pushed into another vector. You can then use the resultant vector to do whatever parsing you wish (add the url info, etc)

This will cut your code down by about 70%, and will get you brownie points with your teacher =)

Thanks for the explanation, but I still don't understand how I can load text files, which I need to search, into a string vector. Should I get them line by line and load into a vector using "getline" or is there another thing to do?

Thanks for the explanation, but I still don't understand how I can load text files, which I need to search, into a string vector. Should I get them line by line and load into a vector using "getline" or is there another thing to do?

You can load the files in using the fstream.

ifstream inFile;
vector<string> data;
while (!inFile.eof())
     string sString = inFile.getline();

Something like that should do the trick for filling a vector from a file. It might not be syntactically correct, since I didn't try to compile it.

ifstream inFile;
vector<string> data;
while (!inFile.eof())
     string sString = inFile.getline();

Don't bother with eof(), and don't put declarations in loops.

ifstream file("name");
vector<string> lines;
string str;

    while(getline(file, str))

    failed. set error events, logs, etc.

thanks, everyone. I have solved the problem =) It was a basic loop error..

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