hi, i'm creating application using visual basic 2008 express. It's great acctually, but I'm having problem creating report with it. Can anyone suggest reporting tools that can be used with VB 2008 express?
I tried microsoft report viewer 2008, and it seems that vb 2008 express doesn't support report design using the microsoft report viewer. And also not support crystal report 8.5.
Thanks for your suggestion.

VB express does not support microsoft reporting tools, thats one of the professional features that have been cut out. Wont work with SQL reporting services or Crystal reports.

Ouch.. thanks anyway..
tried to create report using MS Access report, and opened it from VB, it worked but that doesn't look good so I'm figuring another way to do this.
I'm now using Crystal Report 8.5 .rpt file, I tried to open it from VB .NET 2008 express, and it worked. so problem solved.

Ouch.. thanks anyway..
tried to create report using MS Access report, and opened it from VB, it worked but that doesn't look good so I'm figuring another way to do this.
I'm now using Crystal Report 8.5 .rpt file, I tried to open it from VB .NET 2008 express, and it worked. so problem solved.

Hi Ricky

I am stucked with the same problem that you had with CR and VB2008 Express. I would really appreciate if you tell me how you connected CR 8.5 report to vb. I have CR8.5 installed, no report created yet, i'm newbie to this stuff.

Thanks in advance.

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