
I am not that good in java and as a homework we had to write to classes: a partial abstract class Koerper and it's subclass Kugel but when I try to compile them the compiler always tells me this:

Kugel.java:9: Kugel is not abstract and does not override abstract method compareTo(java.lang.Object) in java.lang.Comparable
public class Kugel extends Koerper

I hope someone can help I'm just not able to figure it out... maybe it's nothing big, but i don't get it :)

The code of both classes is as follows:

abstract class Koerper implements Comparable 
	public double volumen;
	public double oberflaeche;
	public double PI=3.14159265;
	public abstract void volumen();
	public abstract void oberflaeche();
	public void setVolumen(double v)

	public void setOberflaeche(double o)
	public double getVolumen()
		return volumen;
	public double getOberflaeche()
		return oberflaeche;
	public double compareTo(Koerper object)
		double temp=0;
		return temp;
public class Kugel extends Koerper 
		public double r;
		public Kugel(double radius){
		public void volumen()
			double V;
		public void oberflaeche()
			double O;


compareTo should return an int if you want to override the one inherited by the Comparable interface.

And it doesn't have to have specific value

public int compareTo(Koerper object)

It should return a positive number if "this" object is "greater than" the argument "Koerper object"
A negative if it is "smaller than".
And 0 if they are equal. Remember if compareTo returns 0 doesn't mean the the equals method will have to return true. So you don't need to implemented.

Check the API for the comparable interface

I wrote this example for you:

class Person implements Comparable {

private String name = null;
private int age = 0;

// get, set methods and constructor

public int compareTo(Person other) {
  if (other==null) {
     return 1;	
     if (this.age>other.getAge()) {

         return 1; //something positive

    } else if (this.age<other.getAge()) {

           return -1; //something negative
    } else { // none is greater or lower than the other
          return 0;

//BUT the equals MAY use something else
public boolean equals(Person p) {
   if (p==null) {
      return false;
   if (name==null) {
      return name == p.getName();
   return name.equals(p.getName()); 

Thanks very much! works now :)

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