hi Friends

Iam using Vb6.0 for one msgbox using this message box title need change plz help me....


When programming a msgbox, you can specify the text, type, and title of the msgbox as follows:

Msgbox "The contents of msg here", vbInformation, "The Title Here"

note that you can change the vbInformation to any other type of msgbox (vbCritical, vbExclamation).
Also, you may combine two types (vbQuestion+vbYesNo).

(if your issue is solved then please mark this post as SOLVED)

commented: Nice Response +10

Thanks For your Reply..

That is correct for showing message....
I wonder how i can change title of my msgbox . it keep showing me project 1. I be happy if some one tell me how i can change it to some thing meaning full


He answered your question above....

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