What memory model does Dev-Cpp follow...?
And how can I change it to have a segment more than 64 KB of memory....?

I need it as my program stops executing in between and throws an exception -
"Process returned -1073741819c(0xC00000005)"

Same thing happens in Code Blocks....

So i need to know if there is a way to increase the size of the segment...?


>>What memory model does Dev-Cpp follow...?
Flat memory model, the same as all other 32-bit compilers.

>>And how can I change it to have a segment more than 64 KB of memory
You don't have to change it. You can write a program of about 2 gig in size if you wish.

>>Same thing happens in Code Blocks....
Its not the compilers -- its a bug in your program. Instead of trying to find ways to suck up more memory you should concentrate on fixing the bug in your program.

Thanx for the reply,I realized that there are bugs in my application.

But now i couldn't enable debugging in code blocks.
I checked the plugin for the debugger and it's enabled but still the debug options are disabled...

Can someone please help me knowing what is it that I am missing out...

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