I need help with python programing, i finished the first part of my project ans some of the second part, but im really confused about the part where i have to group an entire file into its constituent months and then calaculate the averages. I know how to calculate the averages using lists and for loops. but i do not know how to seperate the whole file into the 49 different months. and thake their averages.

### Program no. 6, PID : A42383446, Name: Gaurav.

# First function to sort the data and store them as a list of lists.

def get_data_list(FILE_NAME):
    import string
    FILE_NAME = open('C:/Users/Gaurav/Desktop/Proj06/filey.txt')
    data_list = []
    for line in FILE_NAME:
        line = line.strip()
        line = line.split(",")
    return data_list

# Second function to get the monthly averages for each month and store them in a tuple within a list.

def get_monthly_averages(data_list):
    sale = ''
    volume = ''
    l3 = []
    l4 = []
    l7 = []
    atuple = []

    for bew in l2:
        if '2007-10' in bew:
            atuple = (x,y)
            for lin in l2:
                sale = float(lin[4])*float(lin[5])

                volume = float(lin[5])

            average1 = sum(l3)/len(l3)
            average2 = sum(l4)/len(l4)
            x = '2007-10'
            y = average1/average2
        print atuple

this is how far i have completed, but its getting very confusing.

Assignment Overview
This project focuses again on strings as well as introducing lists. It also introduces file input. It is worth 40 points (4% of your overall grade). It is due Thursday, Feb 26th before Lab session. The goal of this project is to gain more practice with file I/O, lists and functions.
Data mining is the process of sorting through large amounts of data and picking out relevant information. It is usually used by business intelligence organizations, and financial analysts, but is increasingly being used in the sciences to extract information from the enormous data sets generated by modern experimental and observational methods. (from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datamining)
In this project, we want to do some preliminary data mining to the prices of Google stock. Your program will calculate the monthly average prices of Google stock from 2004 to 2008, and tell us the 6 best and 6 worst months for Google.
Project Specifications
A file of Google stock's historical prices will be given to you, whose name is table.csv. This file could be opened by notepad or wordPad, and is delimited by comma. If you open it with Excel, comma will not be shown.
A template program will be given to you, which is used for your program's frame. There are three functions with their simple descriptions, and you are required to pad them to make them work correctly.
In this function, you are required to read the file of stock's historical prices. You should use FILE_NAME instead of hard code “table.csv” in this function, that way if we wanted to use a different table at any time we could just change the call to the function and not have to change the function itself. After reading each line, you will split it into a list, and append this list to another main list, suppose its name is “data_list”. So, data_list is a list of lists, a.k.a. 2-D list. At the end of this function, return data_list.
In this function, you will use the data_list generated by the first function as the parameter. Use Date, Volume, and Adj Close to calculate the average monthly prices.
How to calculate the average price? Suppose one day's volume and close price are V1 and C1 respectively, then that day’s total sales equals V1 * C1. We will use the “Volume” column for the day’s volume and the “Adj. Close” column for the day’s close. Now suppose another day's volume and close price are V2 and C2. The average of these 2 days is the sum of the total sales divided by the total volume. So, the average price of these two days is calculated in this way:
Average price = (V1*C1 + V2*C2) / (V1 + V2)
To average a whole month you just add up the total sales (V*C) for each day and divide by the sum of all the volumes (V1 + V2 + … + Vn)
For each month create a tuple with 2 items, the average for that month, and the date (you only need the month and year). Append the tuple for each month to a list (e.g. monthly_averages_list), and after calculating all the monthly averages, return this list. We use tuples here because once these values are calculated we don’t want to accidentally change them!
In this function, you need to use the list of monthly averages calculated in the 2nd function. Here you will need to find and print (to a file) the 6 best (highest average price) and 6 worst (lowest average price) months for Google stock. You will print to a file named “monthly_averages.txt”. You will first print a header like “6 best months” and then print the 6 best months, 1 month per line, from highest price to lowest, in the following format: month-year, average_price (to 2 decimal places).
You will then print a blank line and then another header like “6 worst months” and print the 6 worst months, 1 month per line from lowest price to highest, in the same format as for the best months.
Sample output can be found below.
This function does not return anything
If you don't call these functions, they are useless. Thus, you should write codes to call them. The steps are already given in the template program.
proj05.py -- your source code solution (remember to include your section, the date, project number and comments).
Please be sure to use the specified file name, i.e. “proj05.py
You have to also submit the word document file (external documentation)
Send the file using your MSU email account to the following email: abdull27@msu.edu
List of Files to Download


No more files will be provided, be creative and work with what you have.
Assignment Notes:
When reading the input file, you should be careful about the first line which does not contain any data.
Remember the split() function, which takes as an argument the character to split on, and returns a LIST of STRINGS
Don’t forget to convert each string stat to a number.
Since there are so many fields, do some testing (E.g. output some parsed data) to make sure that you get the correct data.
List’s sort function and reverse function should be useful.
Li = [ (3,2), (1,2), (2,5)]
Li.sort() # Li will be [(1,2), (2,5), (3,2)], sorts on first value in each tuple
Li.reverse() # Li will be [ (3,2), (2,5), (1,2)]
To open a file for output, remember:
fileDescriptor = open(‘fName.txt’,’w’)
Note you can only write strings here, must convert everything else to a string in order to write it to the file!
fileDescriptor.close() # Very important to close the file!
To create a tuple, remember you just need () and a comma, so a 2-item tuple could be created like this:
myTuple = (x,y)
When you store your date and monthly average, it would probably be easiest to store the date in a string already properly formatted, e.g. “11-2007”.
To append this tuple to a list you can just say myList.append(myTuple). Then to access the different items in the tuple you index into the list twice, so for example if you appended the above tuple as the first item in a list:
myList[0][0] would return x
myList[0][1] would return y
Example output for table.csv:
6 best months for google stock:
12-2007, 693.76
11-2007, 676.55
10-2007, 637.38
01-2008, 599.42
05-2008, 576.29
06-2008, 555.34
6 worst months for Google stock:
08-2004, 104.66
09-2004, 116.38
10-2004, 164.52
11-2004, 177.09
12-2004, 181.01
03-2005, 181.18/TEX]

this is the project.. please help soon.. :S:S

Interesting assignment, with an excellent explanation by the teacher. Would be nice to know what table.csv roughly looks like.

Should be relatively simple yet challenging to solve. Just a note, don't use l1, l2, l3 ... for variable names, they look too much like the numbers 11, 12, 13 ...

but i do not know how to seperate the whole file into the 49 different months. and thake their averages.

I'm not going to read the whole problem; it's way too long. Post some sample input data and state specifically what you do not understand. In the code you posted, it is already a list of lists so you should be able to loop through it one record at a time and calculate an average (using a total field, which is the grand total of all the values, and a num_records field which is the total of the number of records used), but it's not clear whether this is data for Google only, or you have to extract the data for Google from the rest, and then calculate the average.

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