Ok, so I am befuddled. Each individual file compile fine, no errors. When I compile all together and create an executable, no errors. But, when I run the program, I am getting an error. I have it narrowed down to a problem with my void LinkedList::insert(const ElementType &dataValue) but I have looked at it too many time to figure out what's wrong. The main concept is that a new node will be inserted in a sorted order based on the key of a struct. The linked list is sorted alphabetically. Also attached is a sample of the data being read in.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

typedef struct Articles ElementType;
typedef std::string KeyType;

struct Articles
	string key;
	string name;
	string title;

class LinkedList
		class Node
			ElementType data;
			Node * next;
			Node(ElementType dataValue){		
				data = dataValue;
				next = NULL;
		typedef Node * NodePointer;
		Node *find (const KeyType &key);
		NodePointer first;
		int mySize;
		int index;
		void insert (const ElementType &item);
		bool find (const KeyType &key, ElementType &item);
		bool erase (const KeyType &key);
		bool operator==(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key);
		bool operator>=(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key);
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedlist.h"

	first = NULL;
	mySize = 0;

void LinkedList::insert(const ElementType &dataValue)
	NodePointer nPtr = new Node(dataValue);
	NodePointer predPtr = first;
	if (first->next == NULL)
		nPtr->next = first;
		first = nPtr;
		while ((dataValue.key) >= predPtr->data.key)
		if ((dataValue.key) == predPtr->next->data.key)
			nPtr->next = predPtr->next;
			predPtr->next = nPtr;

bool LinkedList::find(const KeyType &key, ElementType &item)

bool LinkedList::erase(const KeyType &key)

bool operator==(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key)
	if (e1.key == key)
		return true;
		return false;

bool operator>=(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key)
	if (e1.key >= key)
		return true;
		return false;
 |     A driver file which plays a game of Tic Tac Toe with two        |
 |  players. The program incorporates 2 classes (and header            |
 |  files for each): Tictactoe and Player. Tictactoe handles           |
 |  the displayBoard(), setValue(), and getStatus() functions.         |
 |  The Player class handles getName(), getIndex(), and                |
 |  getMove() functions. Definition of the functions are in            |
 |  their corresponding .cpp/.h files.                                 |
 |     Game play consists of receiving a player's name then            |
 |  determining which player goes first. The players, starting         |
 |  with the first player, will be prompted to enter a position        |
 |  which will be checked for whether: the space is out of the         |
 |  scope and whether the space is already occupied, and if            |
 |  neither is the case, the spot will be marked with the player's     |
 |  mark (X or O). Then the program will check if there is a win,      |
 |  a tie, or other(results in continuing game play). A win can        |
 |  be from either player and is checked after each player's "turn."   |
 |  The game board is displayed at the beginning (with no X's or O's)  |
 |  and after each player's turn.                                      |
 |                                                                     |
 |  Author: Megan MacDonald                                            |
 |  Date Completed: ---, 2009                                      |
 |  Class: CSC 2110, section 002                                       |
 |  Tennessee Technological University                                 |
 |                                                                     |
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedlist.h"

int main()
	LinkedList l;
	ifstream inFile("cacmpubshort.txt");
	Articles s;
	if (inFile.is_open())
		while (!inFile.eof())
			getline (inFile,s.key);
			getline (inFile,s.name);
			getline (inFile,s.title);
			cout << s.key << "    " << s.name << "    " << s.title << endl;
	else cout << "Unable to open file";
	return 0;


Diane Crawford
Editorial pointers
Robert Fox
News Track: Celestial backbone; Foreign hands off China's net; Women and the web; DOE says no nuke access; Worst net nightmare; Sidebar: Ethics quiz
Diane Crawford and Brian K. E. Balke and Steve Wilstrom and Jef Raskin and Pat McGee
Forum: Tackling OO Design Principles; Educational Concerns; Building LEGO Robots
Brock N. Meeks
Electronic frontier: bugging out: Y2K fallout or business as usual?
Elliot Soloway and Cathleen Norris and Phyllis Blumenfeld and Barry Fishman and Joseph Krajcik and Ronald Marx
Log on Education: K--12 and the Internet
Tom Porter and Galyn Susman
On site: creating lifelike characters in Pixar movies
Barbara Simons
From the President: building Big Brother
Prabhudev Konana and Nirup M. Menon and Sridhar Balasubramanian
The implications of online investing
Cecilia M. Gorriz and Claudia Medina
Engaging girls with computers through software games
Eszter Hargittai
Radio's lessons for the Internet

another thing to add - when i run the program, this is the error

Crawford:2000:EPa Diane Crawford Editorial pointers
3 [main] program2 3416 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
619 [main] program2 3461 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to program2.exe.stackdump
21228 [main] program2 3461 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
22159 [main] program2 3461 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)

ok so i fiddle with it some more, managed to get the first node into the list ...here's the insert function (i didn't change any other parts of the program)

void LinkedList::insert(const ElementType &dataValue)
	NodePointer nPtr = new Node(dataValue);
	NodePointer predPtr = first;
	if (first == NULL)
		nPtr->next = first;
		first = nPtr;
		while ((dataValue.key) >= predPtr->data.key)
		if ((dataValue.key) == predPtr->next->data.key)
			nPtr->next = predPtr->next;
			predPtr->next = nPtr;
	cout << dataValue.key << " " << dataValue.name << " " << dataValue.title << endl;

*note:error is the same as before**, but i know that the problem lies with in the while ((dataValue.key) >= predPtr->data.key) and if ((dataValue.key) == predPtr->next->data.key) lines...

**same wording different numbers
3 [main] program2 944 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
679 [main] program2 944 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to program2.exe.stackdump
37260 [main] program2 944 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
38779 [main] program2 944 _cygtls::handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack)

What is this >>> NodePointer nPtr = new Node(dataValue);
what is NodePointer? I didn't see it declared in any of your code!

typedef Node * NodePointer; NodePointer is a pointer to a type of class Node. Thus, NodePointer nPtr = new Node(dataValue); is declaring nPtr as type NodePointer, and it is being set to a new object of class Node, which is receiving the dataValue.

Ok...the insert function problem has been solved...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

typedef struct Articles ElementType;
typedef std::string KeyType;

struct Articles
	string key;
	string name;
	string title;

class LinkedList
		class Node
			ElementType data;
			Node * next;
			Node(ElementType dataValue){		
				data = dataValue;
				next = NULL;
		typedef Node * NodePointer;
		Node *LinkedList::find(const KeyType key)
			NodePointer ptr;
			ptr = first;
			while (ptr != NULL)
				if (ptr->data.key == key)
					return ptr;
					ptr = ptr->next;
			if (ptr == NULL)
				return NULL;
		NodePointer first;
		NodePointer predPtr;
		int mySize;
		int index;
		void insert (const ElementType &item);
		bool find (const KeyType key, ElementType &item);
		bool erase (const KeyType key);
		void display();
		bool operator<(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key);
		bool operator>=(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key);
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedlist.h"

	first = NULL;
	mySize = 0;

void LinkedList::insert(const ElementType &dataValue)
	NodePointer nPtr = new Node(dataValue);
	predPtr = first;
	NodePointer afterPtr;
	if (first == NULL)
		nPtr->next = first;
		first = nPtr;
	else if (predPtr->data >= nPtr->data.key)
		nPtr->next = first;
		first = nPtr;
		while (!((predPtr->next == NULL) || (predPtr->next->data >= nPtr->data.key)))
		nPtr->next = predPtr->next;
		predPtr->next = nPtr;

bool LinkedList::find(const KeyType key, ElementType &item)
	LinkedList::NodePointer ptr;
	ptr = first;
	while (ptr != NULL)
		if (ptr->data.key == key)
			return true;
			ptr = ptr->next;
	if (ptr == NULL)
		return false;

bool LinkedList::erase(const KeyType key)

void LinkedList::display()
	LinkedList::NodePointer ptr;
	ptr = first;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	cout << " Key                 Author                      Title                          " << endl;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	while (ptr != NULL)
		cout << left << setw(20) << ptr->data.key << " " << ptr->data.name << "    '" << ptr->data.title << "'" << endl;
		ptr = ptr->next;

bool operator==(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key)
	if (e1.key == key)
		return true;
		return false;

bool operator>=(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key)
	if (e1.key >= key)
		return true;
		return false;
 |                                                                     |
 |  Author: Megan MacDonald                                            |
 |  Date Completed: ---, 2009                                      |
 |  Class: CSC 2110, section 002                                       |
 |  Tennessee Technological University                                 |
 |                                                                     |
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedlist.h"

void menuDisplay();

int main()
	char ch;
	KeyType findKey;
	KeyType srchKey;
	KeyType addKey;
	bool menuActive;
	LinkedList l;
	cout << "$ cacmLibrary cacmpub.txt" << endl
	<< "Loading library please wait..." << endl;
	ifstream inFile("cacmpubshort.txt");
	Articles s;
	if (inFile.is_open())
		while (!inFile.eof())
			getline (inFile,s.key);
			getline (inFile,s.name);
			getline (inFile,s.title);
		cout << "Unable to open file";
	cout << "Hello! Welcome to the CACM Library." << endl << endl;
	menuActive = true;
	while (menuActive)
		cout << "Your Choice:";
		if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F')
				cout << "Find function selected." << endl;
				cout << "Please enter a search key:";
				cin >> srchKey;
				if (l.find(srchKey,s))
					cout << "There is a record with that key." << endl;
				else if (!l.find(srchKey,s))
					cout << "*-------------------------------------------------------*" << endl;
					cout << "|  Sorry, but there are no records matching your query. |" << endl;
					cout << "*-------------------------------------------------------*" << endl;
		else if (ch == 'l' || ch == 'L')
				cout << "List function selected." << endl;
		else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A')
				cout << "Add function selected." << endl;
				cout << "Enter the key for your new article:";
				cin >> addKey;
				if (l.find(addKey,s))
					cout << "This key already exists!" << endl;
				else if (!l.find(addKey,s))
					s.key = addKey;
					cout << endl << "Enter the author's name:";
					cin >> s.name;
					cout << endl << "Enter the title of the article:";
					cin >> s.title;
						cout << endl;
						cout << "*----------------------------------------*" << endl;
						cout << "| The following record has been ADDED    " << endl;
						cout << "|                                        " << endl;
						cout << "|    Key: " << s.key << endl;
						cout << "|  Title: " << s.title << endl;
						cout << "| Author: " << s.name << endl;
						cout << "*----------------------------------------*" << endl;
		else if (ch == 'r' || ch == 'R')
			cout << "Remove function selected." << endl;
		else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')
			cout << "Thank you for using the CACM Library!" << endl << "$" << endl;
		else if (ch != 'f' && ch != 'F' && ch != 'a' && ch != 'A' && ch != 'l' &&
		         ch != 'L' && ch != 'r' && ch != 'R' &&  ch != 'e' && ch != 'E')
			cout << "Invalid Choice." << endl;
	return 0;

void menuDisplay()
	cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl << endl;
	cout << "*------------------------------*" << endl;
	cout << "| (F)ind an article            |" << endl
		 << "| (L)ist all articles          |" << endl
		 << "| (A)dd a new article          |" << endl
		 << "| (R)emove an existing article |" << endl
		 << "| (E)xit                       |" << endl;
	cout << "*------------------------------*" << endl << endl;


Program is not complete: I'm still working on bool erase (const KeyType key); AND I'm still trying to figure out how to incorporate my Node *LinkedList::find(const KeyType key) .... it's a private method that returns a Node that contains the article with the given key or NULL if the key is not found...
Any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)

Alrighty: here's the completed program -- one issue left is that if there are 2 entries with the same key, the program won't find it. Also, after the third choice, user must enter their choice a second time. But these problems do not otherwise affect the program.

 |     A header file for data of type LinkedList. Private         |
 |  members include: Node *found(), which returns a pointer to a  |
 |  Node that contains the article with the given key or NULL     |
 |  if key isn't found; a class Node, which has public members of |
 |  data of type ElementType and a pointer next; Node *deleter(), |
 |  which returns the previous pointer of the node that was being |
 |  searched for and the node that was found gets deleted;        |
 |  NodePointer first, a  pointer to the first node in the        |
 |  linkedlist and; NodePointer predPtr, a pointer initialized to |
 |  first, but increases as necessary.                            |
 |                                                                |
 |  Operations are:                                               |
 |   LinkedList(): a constructor that initializes the empty list  |
 |   insert(): inserts the element into the list in sorted order  |
 |   find(): fills item with the article data found in th list    |
 |   erase(): removes the node with the corresponding key and     |
 |         deallocates its memory.                                |
 |                                                                |
 |  Author: Megan MacDonald                                       |
 |  Date Completed: March 2, 2009                                 |
 |  Class: CSC 2110, section 002                                  |
 |  Tennessee Technological University                            |
 |                                                                |
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

typedef struct Articles ElementType;
typedef std::string KeyType;

//struct which has three elements: key, name, and title
struct Articles
	string key;
	string name;
	string title;

class LinkedList
		class Node
			ElementType data;
			Node * next;
			Node(ElementType dataValue){		
				data = dataValue;
				next = NULL;
		typedef Node * NodePointer;
		Node *LinkedList::found(const KeyType &key)
			NodePointer ptr;
			ptr = first;
			ElementType item;
			while (ptr != NULL)
				if (ptr->data.key == key)
					item.key = ptr->data.key;
					item.title = ptr->data.title;
					item.name = ptr->data.name;
					cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
					cout << "     Key: " << item.key << endl;
					cout << "   Title: " << item.title << endl;
					cout << "  Author: " << item.name << endl;
					cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
					return ptr;
					ptr = ptr->next;
			if (ptr == NULL)
				return NULL;
		Node *LinkedList::deleter(const KeyType &key)
			NodePointer ptr;
			ptr = first;
			ElementType item;
			while (ptr != NULL)
				if (ptr->data.key == key)
					delete ptr;
					return predPtr;
					ptr = ptr->next;
			if (ptr == NULL)
				return NULL;
		NodePointer first;
		NodePointer predPtr;
		void insert (const ElementType &item);
		bool find (const KeyType &key, ElementType &item);
		bool erase (const KeyType &key);
		void display();
		bool operator<(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key);
		bool operator>=(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key);
 |    An implementation file for data of type LinkedList. Private |    
 |  members include: Node *found(), which returns a pointer to a  |
 |  Node that contains the article with the given key or NULL     |
 |  if key isn't found; a class Node, which has public members of |
 |  data of type ElementType and a pointer next; Node *deleter(), |
 |  which returns the previous pointer of the node that was being |
 |  searched for and the node that was found gets deleted;        |
 |  NodePointer first, a  pointer to the first node in the        |
 |  linkedlist and; NodePointer predPtr, a pointer initialized to |
 |  first, but increases as necessary.                            |
 |                                                                |
 |  Operations are:                                               |
 |   LinkedList(): a constructor that initializes the empty list  |
 |   insert(): inserts the element into the list in sorted order  |
 |   find(): fills item with the article data found in th list    |
 |   erase(): removes the node with the corresponding key and     |
 |         deallocates its memory.                                |
 |                                                                |
 |  Author: Megan MacDonald                                       |
 |  Date Completed: March 2, 2009                                 |
 |  Class: CSC 2110, section 002                                  |
 |  Tennessee Technological University                            |
 |                                                                |
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedlist.h"

	first = NULL;

//insert function
void LinkedList::insert(const ElementType &dataValue)
	NodePointer nPtr = new Node(dataValue);
	predPtr = first;
	NodePointer afterPtr;
	if (first == NULL)
		nPtr->next = first;
		first = nPtr;
	else if (predPtr->data >= nPtr->data.key)
		nPtr->next = first;
		first = nPtr;
		while (!((predPtr->next == NULL) || (predPtr->next->data >= nPtr->data.key)))
		nPtr->next = predPtr->next;
		predPtr->next = nPtr;

//find function
bool LinkedList::find(const KeyType &key, ElementType &item)
	if (found(key))
		return true;
	else if (!found(key))
		return false;

//erase function
bool LinkedList::erase(const KeyType &key)
	if (deleter(key))
		return true;
	else if (!deleter(key))
		return false;

//display function
void LinkedList::display()
	LinkedList::NodePointer ptr;
	ptr = first;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	cout << " Key                 Author                Title                          " << endl;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	while (ptr != NULL)
		cout << left << setw(20) << ptr->data.key << " " << setw(20) << ptr->data.name << "  " << setw(40) << ptr->data.title << endl;
		ptr = ptr->next;

//overloading ==
bool operator==(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key)
	if (e1.key == key)
		return true;
		return false;

//overloading >=
bool operator>=(const ElementType &e1, const KeyType &key)
	if (e1.key >= key)
		return true;
		return false;
 |                                                                     |
 |     A driver file which  reads and manipulates the CACM database.   |
 |  The program incorporates 1 class (with a header and implementation |
 |  file): LinkedList. LinkedList handles the LinkedList(), insert(),  |
 |  find(), erase(), display(), and 2 overload functions. Definition   |
 |  of the functions are in the corresponding .cpp/.h file.            |                                |
 |     Program play consists of reading in a file and placing each     |
 |  line into the data of a struct, Articles s. The program then       |
 |  inserts s into the linkedlist l. Once, the end of file has been    |
 |  reached, the file closes. The menu is then displayed. Depending on |
 |  the charachter entered the associating function is called. If an   |
 |  an invalid character is selected, the user will be prompted to     |
 |  re-enter the character.                                            |
 |                                                                     |
 |  Author: Megan MacDonald                                            |
 |  Date Completed: March 2, 2009                                      |
 |  Class: CSC 2110, section 002                                       |
 |  Tennessee Technological University                                 |
 |                                                                     |
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedlist.h"

void menuDisplay();

int main()
	char ch;          //character ch is used for input of the menu choice
	KeyType findKey;  //string used for finding for a Node
	KeyType srchKey;  //string used for searching for a Node
	KeyType addKey;   //string used for adding for a Node
	KeyType eraseKey; //string used for erasing for a Node
	bool menuActive;  //bool statement to keep taking a menu option until false
	LinkedList l;     //creates an object of LinkedList, l
	cout << "$ cacmLibrary cacmpub.txt" << endl
	<< "Loading library please wait..." << endl;
	ifstream inFile("cacmpublong.txt");  //opening the file to be used
	Articles s;  //struct used to insert into l
	Articles temp; //temporary struct
	if (inFile.is_open()) //if the file was opened...
		while (!inFile.eof()) //and until the end of the file...
			getline (inFile,s.key);   //read in a line as s.key...
			getline (inFile,s.name);  //read in a line as s.name...
			getline (inFile,s.title); //read in a line as s.title...
			if (s.key >= " ")         //and if the key is not null...
				l.insert(s);          //insert the struct into l
		inFile.close();     //close file
	else  //should the file not open...
		cout << "Unable to open file";  //display an error msg
	cout << "Hello! Welcome to the CACM Library." << endl << endl;
	menuDisplay();  //displays the menu
	menuActive = true; //initiates menuActive to true
	while (menuActive) //while loop to handle the state of menuActive
		ch = '\0';     //initalizes the ch to null
		cout << "Your Choice:";  //prompts user to enter their choice...
		cin.get(ch);             //stores the character in ch...
		cin.ignore(10,'\n');     //and ignores the enter
		cout << endl;
		if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F')  //if the user enters an F...
				cout << "Please enter a search key:"; //user is prompted for key
				cin >> srchKey;                   //input of the key to search for
				if (l.find(srchKey,temp))         //if the key is found...
					cout << endl;                 //no error.
				else if (!l.find(srchKey,temp))   //if key is not found, then error msg displayed
					cout << "*-------------------------------------------------------*" << endl;
					cout << "|  Sorry, but there are no records matching your query. |" << endl;
					cout << "*-------------------------------------------------------*" << endl << endl;
		else if (ch == 'l' || ch == 'L') //if the user enters an L...
				l.display();            //the linkedlist l is displayed
				cout << endl;
		else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'A') //if the user enters an A...
				cout << "Enter the key for your new article:"; //user is prompted to enter key
				cin >> addKey;                       //input of key to add
				if (l.find(addKey,s))                //if the key is found...
					cout << "This key already exists!" << endl;  //key will not be added
				else if (!l.find(addKey,s))          //if key is not found...
					s.key = addKey;                  //s.key is the string addKey
					cout << endl << "Enter the author's name:"; //promt to get name
					cin >> s.name;                        //input of name
					cout << endl << "Enter the title of the article:";  //promt to get title
					cin >> s.title;                       //input of title
					l.insert(s);                          //inserts the struct into linkedlist l
						cout << endl;                     //display of what was added
						cout << "*----------------------------------------*" << endl;
						cout << "| The following record has been ADDED    " << endl;
						cout << "|                                        " << endl;
						cout << "|    Key: " << s.key << endl;
						cout << "|  Title: " << s.title << endl;
						cout << "| Author: " << s.name << endl;
						cout << "*----------------------------------------*" << endl;
				cout << endl;
		else if (ch == 'r' || ch == 'R')  //if the user enters an R...
				cout << "Enter the key to remove:";  //user is prompted to enter key
				cin >> eraseKey;                     //input of key to erase
				if (!l.erase(eraseKey))              //if the key is not found, error msg is displayed
					cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
					cout << "| Sorry, record not removed because it was not found in the database |" << endl;
					cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
				else                                //if the key is found...
					l.erase(eraseKey);             //the key is erased and displays what was erased.
					cout << "*---------------------------------------------------*" << endl;
					cout << "| The following record has been REMOVED             " << endl;
					cout << "|                                                   " << endl;
					cout << "| Key: " << eraseKey << "                           " << endl;
					cout << "*---------------------------------------------------*" << endl;
				cout << endl;
		else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E')  //if user enters an E...
			cout << "Thank you for using the CACM Library!" << endl << "$" << endl;  //user is thanked...
			menuActive=false; //and the program exits
		else if (ch != 'f' && ch != 'F' && ch != 'a' && ch != 'A' && ch != 'l' && ch != 'L' && ch != 'r' && ch != 'R' &&  ch != 'e' && ch != 'E')
			cout << "Invalid Choice." << endl;  //when an invalid choice is entered, error msg
	return 0;

void menuDisplay()  //function displays the output of the menu
	cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl << endl;
	cout << "*------------------------------*" << endl;
	cout << "| (F)ind an article            |" << endl
		 << "| (L)ist all articles          |" << endl
		 << "| (A)dd a new article          |" << endl
		 << "| (R)emove an existing article |" << endl
		 << "| (E)xit                       |" << endl;
	cout << "*------------------------------*" << endl << endl;
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