I am supposed to implement an ADT polynomial, using an array for polynomial coefficients- using-
degree() - gives the highest degree in the polynomial.
changeCoefficient(newCoefficient, power)throw(InvalidPowerException)
overloaded + operator to add 2 polynomials
overloaded << operator

I cannot use a list class for this project.
special cout cases:
+1, -1 coefficients: don't display the 1 (unless power is 0)
power 0: don't display x^0
negative coefficients: don't display +
dirst term: don't display a preceding +

I am going to paste everything I did- the problem is when I am trying to slowly create the private data member (string) finalStr, it will not do the proper +, and I don't have a string to show at the end. it has got to be in the makeFinalString function.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Polynomial
		int thing[10];
		string finalStr;

		void makeFinalString(Polynomial& poly);
		Polynomial(const Polynomial& poly); // copy constructor
		Polynomial();	//default constructor

		~Polynomial(); // Destructor

		void setPolynomial();

		void showPolynomial();

		friend Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial& poly_a, const Polynomial& poly_b);

		friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Polynomial& poly);



	for(int i=0; i<10; i++)//initialize to 0's
	for(int i =0;i<10;i++)//display the polynomial
		cout << thing[i] << " ";
	cout << endl << "default constructor called\n";
	cout << "Destructor called\n";

void Polynomial::setPolynomial()
	int coefficient = 0;
	int power = 0;
	cout << "Please input values for the polynomial:\n";
    while(cin >> coefficient >> power)
			break; // throw
		if(coefficient<0 && power<0)
			break; //end of polynomial
			break; //throw
			thing[power] = coefficient;
			thing[power] +=coefficient;
	for(int i =0;i<10;i++)//display the polynomial
		cout << thing[i] << " ";

void Polynomial::showPolynomial()
	bool success = 0;
	for(int i=9;i>=0;i--)
		if(i == 0 && thing[0]!=0) // if power is 0
				cout << thing[0];
					cout << "+" << thing[0];
					cout << thing[0];
		if(i == 1 && thing[1]!=0) //if power is 1
				cout << thing[1] << "x";
				success = 1;
			else //if(thing[1]>0)
				if(success ==1)
					cout << "+" << thing[1] << "x";
					cout << thing[1] << "x";
					success = 1;
		if(i>1 && thing[i]!=0) //if power is greater than 1
				cout << thing[i] << "x^" << i;
				success = 1;
			else //if(thing[i]>0)
					cout << "+" << thing[i] <<"x^" << i;
					cout << thing[i] << "x^" << i;
					success = 1;

Polynomial::Polynomial(const Polynomial& poly)
	for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
		thing[i] = poly.thing[i];
	finalStr = poly.finalStr;//??? or do I just want to re-calculate it?
	cout << "Copy constructor called\n";

Polynomial operator+(const Polynomial& polyA, const Polynomial& polyB)
	Polynomial tempPoly;

	for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
		tempPoly.thing[i] = polyA.thing[i]+polyB.thing[i];
	return tempPoly;//or do I want to recalculate the finalStr???

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Polynomial& poly)
	out << poly.finalStr;

	return out;


void Polynomial::makeFinalString(Polynomial& poly)
	bool success = 0;
	for(int i=9;i>=0;i--)
		if(i == 0 && poly.thing[0]!=0) // if power is 0
				poly.finalStr += poly.thing[0];
				cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
					poly.finalStr += '+';
					poly.finalStr += poly.thing[0];
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
					poly.finalStr += poly.thing[0];
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
		if(i == 1 && poly.thing[1]!=0) //if power is 1
				poly.finalStr += poly.thing[1]; + 'x';
				success = 1;
				cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
			else //if(thing[1]>0)
				if(success ==1)
					poly.finalStr += '+' + poly.thing[1] + 'x';
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
					poly.finalStr += poly.thing[1] + 'x';
					success = 1;
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
		if(i>1 && poly.thing[i]!=0) //if power is greater than 1
			if(poly.thing[i]<0)//if coefficient is smaller than zero 
				if(poly.thing[i]!=1 && poly.thing[i]!=-1)//and it is not -1 or 1
					poly.finalStr += poly.thing[i] + 'x^' + i;
					success = 1;
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
				else//it is smaller than zero and it is -1 or 1
					if(poly.thing[i]==-1)//if it is -1
						poly.finalStr += '-x^' + i;
						success = 1;
						cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
					else//it must be 1
						poly.finalStr += 'x^' + i;
						success = 1;
						cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
			else //if(thing[i]>0)
				if(success==1)//it is not the first number
					poly.finalStr += '+' + poly.thing[i] + 'x^' + i;
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
				else//it is the first number
					poly.finalStr += poly.thing[i] + 'x^' + i;
					success = 1;
					cout << endl << poly.finalStr;
	cout << endl << poly.finalStr << endl;

int main()
	Polynomial x;
	cout << endl;
	cout << x;
	cout << endl;



I need to create a polynomial adder function at the end.

Why would a polynomial class contain a string member?

I need to display the polynomial with the cout << operator that I am overloading. I need to do something like cout << MyPolynomial and that it will display the polynomial the way it should be:
4x^5+x^6-5x^7+9 is an example.

YES!!! I figured it out, but I still have an issue there: I got it to work, but where do I put the try and catch?

Polynomial should be represented by link list.

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