Hi Guys:

I am trying to build a simple application to query a REST web service. I have developed a perl script and its working fine. I have also developed a java app which does the same thing. Just wondering if C++ can be used for it. I did not find any code on the internet regarding the same in C++. Does C++ has any api which maintains sessions with web servers? Would anybody please guide me?

Thanks in advance.

lmgtfy strikes again!

But seriously; we aren't your search engine jockies. Please try to refer to internet sources before coming to Daniweb; we can help you interpret, hell we can help you write, but we WON'T do what a child can do alone.

lmgtfy strikes again!

But seriously; we aren't your search engine jockies. Please try to refer to internet sources before coming to Daniweb; we can help you interpret, hell we can help you write, but we WON'T do what a child can do alone.

Hi SeeTheLite/Ancient Dragon:

I searched the internet before posting my question. As I have written, my perl script which i developed uses WWW::Mechanize module for maintaining sessions with the REST web server. Also in java, I found apache httpClient which does the same. I was asking if you guys know of something like them in C++. I could not find anything on the internet, so I was asking for help.

Thanks anyway.

dude, ancient dino or whatever, if you had bothered to google this before posting the lmgtfy link, you'd know that it yields practically zero. apparently c++ isn't what you want for this enlightened century and even less its practitioners....

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