I went through the forums and found that NOORA000 asked this question before, but the thread is dead by now and no answer was given.

I have a program that i need to send an SMS from as soon as it produces a certain output. Does anyone know of a C++ code i can use?
I'm using visual studio for this..

Thanks ALOTT!


If you only need to send to a single (or a few) known number, most carriers will forward messages sent to phonenumber@carrier.com. That's probably your best bet. So you just need to find a library that will allow you to send an email.

There are various web services that will allow you to send SMS for a fee. For some time Google allowed third-party apps to send SMS but I believe they only allow it for internal apps now. Once you find a service you like, they might have a c++ library or some other means to allow you to access their service.

HI Adam,
THanks for your reply,

any idea where i can get the C++ library from ?...
I can find a local Provider for this service, But i need to connect, this is what is currently missing.

Grazie .

That's dependent on the service. You aren't going to find a generic C++ library that will send SMS messages. It's service dependent. What is the service?

Better use Java JMS.

Try symbian c++..Visit nokia forum for more info..

if you are using the visual C++ then clearly there is no symbian

and this is a SMS gateway that I knew . It's configuration is also easy.

there you got possible options . or just simply you can try the PHONE AT command set to send SMS or you can use another layer called smslib and send SMS using it that library if you too lazy to read the specification.

The choices are depends on your interest and the experience and what are the domain that you are going to apply this Application ?
If you are developing something related to the SMS advertising then I recommand you to use a SMS Gateway or a SMS API provider's paid service.

If this is a small domain , then you can use your own phone as your SMS gateway. It's very easy to configure that software. But the problem with sending SMS via your phone is that you have to wait some time delay after one SMS is send.

HI Adam,
THanks for your reply,

any idea where i can get the C++ library from ?...
I can find a local Provider for this service, But i need to connect, this is what is currently missing.

Grazie .

the GSM specification is not vary from the service provider to service
provider. so you can use a generic one . who told that it's service dependent ? well the prices are service dependent.

In my above post I mention a huge list of chooses , there include C++ libraries too.

So you under windows , and see if you have a phone that listed here
then you can use that library. ( don't go to buy a new phone in the list, you still can use another library or another way)

any morden GSM phone can send the SMS using the PC . and there is a command set called AT command set , via a virtual com connection with your PHONE. so if there is no library that supports that your phone then you can dig into the AT command set and write your program .

That's dependent on the service. You aren't going to find a generic C++ library that will send SMS messages. It's service dependent. What is the service?

I need the explanation here ,
pls can you explain how the GSM protocol is service dependent
among service providers ? Are you mentioning about the web services
that provided as SMS API ? yes they are service dependent according to what I learn.

I need the explanation here ,
pls can you explain how the GSM protocol is service dependent
among service providers ? Are you mentioning about the web services
that provided as SMS API ? yes they are service dependent according to what I learn.

Yes, I was referring to web services. I guess I just assumed that's what they wanted. I didn't really consider that they may want to use their phone to do this, which I think doesn't make much sense, unless you need the caller id to show your number. Even then, I imagine some services will allow you to "spoof" this.

I personally like the idea of sending an email to the receiver's service provider (usually at phone_number@provider.com) but not in all situations.

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