When I declare an event table in a class a.k.a DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); then try to compile, i always get this error:
[Linker Error] undefined reference to `vtable for Utility' (utility being my class) What does this mean and how do I fix it? All research on this has turned up dead ends =(. Thanks

Presumably something needs to be declared as virtual in Utility. Without code, it's hard to say exactly what.

Here is my Header file:

#ifndef UTILITY_H
#define UTILITY_H

#include <wx/wx.h>

    btn_send = 100,

class Utility : public wxFrame
        Utility(const wxString &title, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size);




And here is my .cpp:

#include "Utility.h"
#include <wx/wx.h>

Utility::Utility(const wxString &title, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size) : wxFrame(NULL, -1, title, pos, size)

    wxMenu *util_list = new wxMenu;

    util_list -> Append(-1, _T("&"));
    util_list -> Append(-1, _T("&"));
    util_list -> Append(-1, _T("&"));
    util_list -> AppendSeparator();
    util_list -> Append(-1, _T("&About"));
    util_list -> AppendSeparator();
    util_list -> Append(-1, _T("E&xit"));

    wxMenuBar *MENU = new wxMenuBar;

    MENU -> Append(util_list, _T("&Utilities"));



    wxPanel *mainPanel = new wxPanel(this, -1, wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(1000,600), wxBORDER_STATIC);
    wxPanel *sideWin = new wxPanel(mainPanel, -1, wxPoint(800,0), wxSize(200,500), wxBORDER_STATIC);

    wxTextCtrl *imBox_rec = new wxTextCtrl(mainPanel, im_box_rec, _T("Recieve text..."), wxPoint(0, 50), wxSize(400,200));
    wxTextCtrl *imBox_ent = new wxTextCtrl(mainPanel, im_box_ent, _T("Enter text..."), wxPoint(0,300), wxSize(400,100));

    wxComboBox *imCombo = new wxComboBox(mainPanel, im_combo, _T("IP List"), wxPoint(100, 25), wxSize(152, 100));

    wxButton *saveTran = new wxButton(mainPanel, -1, _T("Save Transcript"), wxPoint(0, 252), wxSize(400, 20));
    wxButton *addipButton = new wxButton(mainPanel, im_box_addip, _T("Add IP"), wxPoint(100,0), wxSize(150,25));
    wxButton *conButton = new wxButton(mainPanel, im_box_con, _T("Connect to IP"), wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(100,50));
    wxButton *mainButton = new wxButton(mainPanel, btn_main, _T("entr"), wxPoint(300,60), wxSize(100,100));
    wxButton *sendButton = new wxButton(mainPanel, btn_send, _T("Send"), wxPoint(0,400), wxSize(400,50));

    wxBoxSizer *mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);

    mainSizer -> Add(imBox_rec, 0, wxCENTER, 0);
    mainSizer -> Add(imBox_ent, 0, wxCENTER, 0);
    mainSizer -> Add(mainButton, 0, wxCENTER, 0);
    mainSizer -> Add(sendButton, 0, wxCENTER, 0);

    //mainPanel -> SetAutoLayout(true);
    //mainPanel -> SetSizer(mainSizer);


I don't know wxWidgets, so I'm just guessing here. Try making DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); public instead of private.

If that doesn't work, try putting this in your code:


Or, if you aren't goint to have any events, remove DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); altogether.

Try making DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); public instead of private.

Nah, don't do that, it's good as is. However this:

try putting this in your code:


Or, if you aren't goint to have any events, remove DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE(); altogether.

is indeed the answer to your problem.

Thanks, that solved it =D

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