hi, this is embarrassing, for whatever reason I am getting "Don't know how to make target driver.o" whenever i type make. There is only one file named "driver.cpp" in the directory that i have to compile. I am staring at tutorials and don't understand why this won't work.

heres whats in the make file

run: driver.o
       CC -o run driver.o
driver.o: driver.cpp
       CC -c driver.cpp

You do realize that you cannot use spaces. You must use tabs.

You do realize that you cannot use spaces. You must use tabs.

yes, but you cannot use the tab key in the forum message box so i used spaces to simulate the tab. The actual make file has tabs and the newline so i know those are not the problem, also I am using sun's c++ CC compiler in linux. sorry for the confusion

Does this line work if you type it into a console in the proper directory? CC -c driver.cpp When I used unix I only used C. Is CC (as opposed to cc) the C++ compiler?

Does this line work if you type it into a console in the proper directory? CC -c driver.cpp When I used unix I only used C. Is CC (as opposed to cc) the C++ compiler?

yes if i compile the file manually it produces an executable, and yes to your second question as well, the sun studio 12 suite i believe its called

I don't currently have access to Solaris ATM... alas, but perhaps it is something as simple as needing a blank line after each target:

CC = cc

run: driver.o
	CC -o run driver.o

driver.o: driver.cpp
	CC -c driver.cpp

BTW, you can have tabs in the forum message boxes, but you have to cut and paste them in... ;) (So you can just cut and paste this code block into a file and it would work.)

The CC is a makefile macro. Sun's compiler is "cc". (I think...)

Hope this helps.

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