Hello Everyone,
I am a new member in the forum. I had a question regarding a code. The code is not able to open the input file. Any help is appreciated.

Here is the code,

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

const int MAX_TRY = 8;
const int WORDS_NUMBER = 2; // why wrod number??
const int MAX_SIZE = 14;

//int point_earn = 0;

ifstream infile;   // stream input file variable declaration globally

void initialize(char [],int);
void readString(char [], int &);
//void guess(char []);
//void printSolution(char []);
//void compareWord(char []);

int main()
	char correct_word[MAX_SIZE] ;
	char solution[MAX_SIZE];
	char letter;
	int length;
	cout << " WELCEOME TO THE HANGMAN Game " << endl;      
    cout << " You will be given up to " << MAX_TRY << " attempts to find a letter." << endl; 
    cout << " You will get a chance to solve the word after each letter attempt.\n\n\n"; 

	infile.open("Proj4_input.txt");  //input file opens

	if(!infile)						//checks if input file can be read properly
		cout << "Cannot open the file\n"; //if error in inputfile invokes to output this

	readString(correct_word, length);

	cout << "The word is " << correct_word << endl;
	cout << "THe solution is " << solution<< endl;

	cout << "Enter a letter of your choice : ";
	cin >> letter;




	infile.close();  //input file closed
	return 0;

void initialize(char guessed_word[MAX_SIZE],int length)//initialize SOLUTION to *'s and other global variables to 0
    int j;
	for(j = 0; j < length; j++)
		guessed_word[j] = '*';		
	for(j=length; j< MAX_SIZE;j++)
		guessed_word[j] = ' ';

	cout << guessed_word << endl;

void readString(char word[], int& length)// read each word from the input file   ????
	length = 0;
			length = strlen(word);



void guess(char solution[MAX_SIZE])//Read in guesses until the limit is reached or the word is guessed,display the partial solution to the user
	int index;
	int j = 0;
	int wrong_guess = 0;
	char guess_letter;

	cout << "Enter the guessed letter : ";
	cin >> guess_letter; 

	for(index = 0; index < MAX_SIZE; index++)
		if (guess_letter == solution[index])
			cout << "The letter " << guess_letter << "in the word presents " << j << "times\n";
			cout << "The partial solution is " << solution <<endl;			
			cout << " Uff, Wrong guess!! Try again : ";
			while(wrong_guess < MAX_TRY)
				wrong_guess = wrong_guess++;
				cout << "your wrong guess is " << wrong_guess << endl;
			cin >> guess_letter;

void printSolution(char word_guessed[MAX_SIZE])//print the guessed word and the number of times the player has tried
	int count;
	for(int k = 0; k < MAX_SIZE; k++)
		cout << word_guessed[k] << endl;

	for(count = 0; count < MAX_TRY; count++)

		cout <<"you have tried " << count << "times\n";

void compareWord(char word_original[MAX_SIZE]) //It is a function. It returns TRUE if every element of SOLUTION is not a '*'
	char word_guessed[MAX_SIZE];

	if(strcmp(word_original, word_original) == 0)
		cout << "Wrong!!! YOU HAVE LOST THIS ROUND!\n";
		cout << " The original word was " << word_original << endl;
		cout << "Congrats!!! YOU HAVE WON THIS ROUND!\n";
		cout << "The word is " << word_original << endl; 

mvmalderen commented: Code tags on first post :) +1

>>The code is not able to open the input file.
Obvious answer -- the input file doesn't exist or is not where you think it is.

Create a file called Proj4_input.txt in the same directory where the executable file is in ...

I had created the same file in the folder where I stored the .cpp file.
Still I got the msg that it can not open the input file.

Any suggesstion?


check and recheck file name spelling.

Create a command prompt, cd to the directory in which the file exists, then type dir Proj4_input.txt <Enter> to see what comes up.

Use Windows Explorer to search for the file.

check and recheck file name spelling.

Yeah, indeed, you should recheck the spelling as it's working with me ...

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