Ok I have a while loop set but can you guys give me an example of a while loop that takes information, reads the more specific detail and then another specific detail? In my code I cant figure out how to make the loop search another line or sentence. All it does is keep looping the first information and specific detail.

You need to post your code. I don't know what you are asking.

You say "specific detail" several times. What does this mean?

ok well im looping to find a specific detail, but there are like 5 specific detail to find. When I do my while loop i keep getting the first one only how do i make it jump to the next one and store the other detail?

ok well im looping to find a specific detail, but there are like 5 specific detail to find. When I do my while loop i keep getting the first one only how do i make it jump to the next one and store the other detail?

Okay, a tad more confusing then it was before. What do you mean? Can you just us some pseudocode. Something that will outline what you mean cause i dont understand what you mean by the specific detail bit at all, or any bit really. :P

No. If this guy cannot post his while loop, and do it with the words he's using in his text editor, what are we supposed to make of his pseudocode? It's a simple request:

while post is unanswered:
print "the stuff that appears on your computer screen."


commented: Look some things its easier to use examples. Be a constructive person, we are here to help +0

Ok I have a while loop set but can you guys give me an example of a while loop that takes information, reads the more specific detail and then another specific detail? In my code I cant figure out how to make the loop search another line or sentence. All it does is keep looping the first information and specific detail.

I think I get it... but does this answer your question?

>>> in_data = """Some details are hidden
...     Many details are obvious
...     Yet many more details remain obscure
...     Such is the burden of seeking details
...     Let the chips fall where they may"""
>>> for line in in_data.split('\n'):
...     if line.find('details') != -1:
...         print line[ line.find('details') + len('details') + 1 : ]
are hidden
are obvious
remain obscure


But seriously, wtf are you talking about? A little more detail and maybe the code that you've already worked on would help clarify your question

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