Can anyone suggest any resources that could help me learn Java GUI creation? I have been working on a lab assignment where we need to copy the Google Kitchen Sink example and my biggest problem has been layout issues, whether I code by hand or use the IDE although I definitely made it farther using the IDE.

Thanks in advance for any input.

I have been there and back and that helps me a little but I guess I was looking for some mildly more complicated examples. I am having a tough time wrapping my head around all of the options available when laying out panels and components.

It could be because you try to add all components under one layout. It is good idea to divide the interface on smaller sections arrange them (panels with their own layout) and add them to the top panel

I never use GUI builders, because builders make bad code and what if you want to make something that builders don't provide?

The code the IDE produces definitely leaves something to be desired, so I guess it comes down to how fast you need to get the design done. I am sure with practice what I am trying to do now would be much easier, but right now it seems like trying to climb a mountain.

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