I was trying to get hold of arrays and read lots of stuff.
So when i started coding, i got an error message saying incompatible types. I checked with general compliance and it should be ok. Maybe netbeans causing it?
Anyway, any kind of help will be appreciated

public class Point implements Cloneable

    // instance variables 

    double points [];
    double x;
    double y;
     * Constructor for objects of class Position
    public Point()           // This is a no-argument constructor
    // initialise instance variables to zero
    double points []  = {0, 0};
    double x = 0;
    double y = 0;


     * setLocation()
     * This method sets initial location of a point in 2D
     * @param  x,y all doubles 
     * @return   array points
    public double setLocation( double x, double y)
        // Temporary variables that take values from the user input
        points [0] = x;
        points [1] = y;

        System.out.println("Initial location of points is: " + points);
        return points; 


It has nothing to do with NetBeans:

     * setLocation()
     * This method sets initial location of a point in 2D
     * @param  x,y all doubles
     * @return   array points
    public double setLocation( double x, double y)
        // Temporary variables that take values from the user input

        points [0] = x;
        points [1] = y;

        System.out.println("Initial location of points is: " + points);
        return points;

points is an ARRAY of doubles. This function says it is returning a single double. You can't do that. If you want to return an array of doubles, do this:

public double[] setLocation( double x, double y)


I think you should have to refere some Object-Oriented Programming books before submitting your problems.

A code fragment is meaningless.

public Point()           // This is a no-argument constructor
    // initialise instance variables to zero
    double points []  = {0, 0};
    double x = 0;
    double y = 0;

     You are initializing local variables not an instance datamembers.

Another problem with setLocation Method

 * setLocation()
 * This method sets initial location of a point in 2D
 * @param  x,y all doubles 
 * @return   array points
public double setLocation( double x, double y)
    // Temporary variables that take values from the user input

    points [0] = x;
    points [1] = y;

    System.out.println("Initial location of points is: " + points);
    return points; 

Return type must be an array of double as per definition of setLocation Method - That is the reason, you got error message when you compile your code.

Please be careful before you post your problem.

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