In file "sudoku.dat" is 9x9 size matrix. In one 3x3 bloc, can be from 2 up to 6 unknew digits, however main unknow digits amount in all matrix, must be not over 36 digits.
Unknow places marked with symbol ?
Example (3x3)
I need program which could write, does mentioned matrix has solution according by by traditional sudoku rules, if yes solve that sudoku.


Huh? I'm sorry but what exactly is your question? you have given a set of statements with no question.

Huh? I'm sorry but what exactly is your question? you have given a set of statements with no question.

I need program code in C

> I need program code in C
No, that's what you would like, not what you need.

What you need is to make an effort to solve your own homework, then ask a specific question when you get stuck.

Wanting someone to spoon-feed you an answer while you go off partying or something just isn't going to happen.

If you don't make an effort on this one, the next homework is going to look even more impossible to you. If you can't deal with this, just drop the course now.

Can someone show this moron why we don't give away code?
Now, that's a question.

I need program code in C

Is not a question.

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