
How to create a graph/table inside a message box? The message box will appear after clicking a button.


A message box says just what it is : a messagebox.
You can do lots of things whith it but it was not primarily designed to do the things you want. Create a sepatate form for that.

You may use Dialog (Kind of Form - Windows) windows for the purpose of redering charts/images.

ok. i will create a new form. but i still do not know how to draw a graph using a new form.

for instance if i want to create point graph, what is the sample code?


Thanks for your help. i went searching but do not know how to implement. can someone help me by giving me the entire source code to do graph? i can edit it from there.

Thanks again

wow. there are free graph classes out there, tutorials too, if you can't find one, then you aren't looking hard enough. Also, if you found something you can't implement, you are much better off, linking us to your example, posting what you are doing, and letting us show you what you did wrong.

Simple questions get more answers, we are all busy people, we would love to help you out. but not all of us have time to write classes from scratch to answer questions.

commented: Well said! +5

wow. there are free graph classes out there, tutorials too, if you can't find one, then you aren't looking hard enough. Also, if you found something you can't implement, you are much better off, linking us to your example, posting what you are doing, and letting us show you what you did wrong.

Simple questions get more answers, we are all busy people, we would love to help you out. but not all of us have time to write classes from scratch to answer questions.

u did not attempt to help solve my problem. So strictly speaking u shouldn't comment. Anyway your comment is not required in this context.

By the way, i have found the way to do it. Thanks all for helping me out.

u did not attempt to help solve my problem. So strictly speaking u shouldn't comment. Anyway your comment is not required in this context.

By the way, i have found the way to do it. Thanks all for helping me out.

What I was trying to help with is the etiquette for using this site. If you pay mind. most forums, including this one, implement a DYOHW clause, that is to say, If you don't show an effort, you won't get very many helpful responses. the people that answer vague open, easy as google.com first page result questions, are only the board developers who either really don't know what they are doing either, or just feel really generous.

I wan't trying to shoot down you question, Im just saying, Google free .net chart lib, and you get a 200,000 relevant results. many of which are working controls that contain source code.

first page, 3rd result.
free class, creates the charts for you, and is open source, so you can see all the code on how they make every last thing possible.

Don't be rude. I wasn't.

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