Hi, i made a calendar program but now i need to import- export my events with iCal/vCal, any ideas on how to go about. I cant find any tutorial or documentation on it

I assume that are talking about the application from your other post where you had two rows of drop down (JComboBox) for day, month, year and time. The only think that was missing was some button to initiate data retrieval.
If it is this case, just add a button to your frame. On the button press you need to retrieve data from drop downs and pass it for further processing. Retrieve data you will call JComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() that will get you String representation of what user selected

I assume that are talking about the application from your other post where you had two rows of drop down (JComboBox) for day, month, year and time. The only think that was missing was some button to initiate data retrieval.
If it is this case, just add a button to your frame. On the button press you need to retrieve data from drop downs and pass it for further processing. Retrieve data you will call JComboBox.getSelectedItem().toString() that will get you String representation of what user selected

I have done that now but i need to import somone else's calendar and export mine in iCal/vCal. Im not sure where to find a on iCal or vCal. Any ideas?

vCal spec can be found here: http://www.imc.org/pdi/pdiproddev.html

I found plenty more info on iCal with a simple Google search. Have you looked at any of that?

vCal spec can be found here: http://www.imc.org/pdi/pdiproddev.html

I found plenty more info on iCal with a simple Google search. Have you looked at any of that?

Thanks for the advice but i'm looking for some sort of basic (newbie)tutorial on how to write the code to import export calendars in my java application.

I have done that now but i need to import somone else's calendar and export mine in iCal/vCal. Im not sure where to find a on iCal or vCal. Any ideas?

Sorry my bad, would be down to that I have no clue what is iCal/vCal. Would be iCal4j any use to you?

Looks like it would probably be pretty handy, but it will still require some study and understanding of the api. They do have some examples here: http://wiki.modularity.net.au/ical4j/index.php?title=Examples#Creating_a_new_calendar that might help.

To the OP, it still just comes down to translating your own calendar object entries to a standard documented text interchange format. You have properties that you must write as entries into a text file in based upon that specification. To import, you have to read those entries and put the info into your own objects.

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