I *finished* my first program. Compiled it, ran it, tested it. I like it so I saved it. Now when I go into the folder i saved it to there are two files:

1 .cpp file that opens the code in my compiler.
2 .exe file that opens the program and runs it.

Now I'd like to change the .exe files icon but i can't remember/figure out how to do it. I'm running xp, so I tried posting my problem in the windows XP forum, but they told me to post it under the software/development area. hope you can help thanks for reading my problem.

This is generally linker dependent. Look through the manual, or something.

Which IDE are you using? Some IDE's like Dev C++ have the choice of adding your own Application Icon even to Console Projects. Code::blocks has this facility, but you will have to create a separate resource file defining the Icon as a part of your project.

But then again, this topic has been discussed many times before; you should have searched for it in the first place. You might like to check these links first:

1. Read this before posting

2. The same question you asked with answers

I did try to search, but I guess I used the wrong keywords. I didn't find anything, sorry.

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