Hi, I am hoping that someone can help.

I am trying to validate and compaire date entries made by a user.
The dates represent contract start and end dates. This has a one to many relation ship with a client table. A client can have one or more contracts.

However the contracts must not over lap. I have got the basic framework for my validation, however I need to compaire the start date of a new contract to the end date of the previouse.

I have tried determining the end date using the binding source, but all i get is the underlying data table.

please can anyone point me in the right direction.

Hi have been trying various things to get around the problem I have.

One option I have come acros is to interigate the contract table from the database and retreave all entries in the list for the required foriegn key, using linq.

However I am concerned that this will impact on performance, especially as the table grows.

I have also noticed that the binding source can be copyed to a list, however I have been unable to implement this.

Has anyone any thoughts on iether of these two possible solutions


Hi....again :S
I have written this as the validation method, please could some one look at it for me and suggest any improvments. The ValidateDate method uses a try catch block to validate the date. It has one overlad, the overload evaluates the first argument to be less than the second.

Thank you.

private bool validateEntries()
            bool isValid = true;
            if (hasChanged)
                //Method to validate user entries.
                //The method utilises the text of the input boxes and the binding source to evaluate if the date has a preceding date.

                //clear all errors
                if (start_DateTextBox.Enabled == true)
                    //If the text box is enabled must be the last record
                    if ((tblContractBindingSource.Count > 1) && (tblContractBindingSource.Count == tblContractBindingSource.Position + 1))
                        //Validate against previouse end date
                            LinqLoginDataContext dc = new LinqLoginDataContext();
                            var startDate = (from conStarts in dc.tblContracts
                                             where conStarts.EmpID == int.Parse(empIDTextBox.Text)
                                             select new

                            if (!ValidateDate(startDate.End_Date.Value.ToShortDateString(), start_DateTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                                dateValidator.SetError(end_DateTextBox, "Invalid date. Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy and before the " + startDate.End_Date.Value.ToShortDateString());
                                isValid = false;
                            //Validate the start date only
                            MessageBox.Show("Database connection error. Unable to varify the end date of previouse contract", "Connection Error");
                    if (end_DateTextBox.Text != "")
                        //Validate the start date against the end date
                        if (!ValidateDate(start_DateTextBox.Text.Trim(), end_DateTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                            dateValidator.SetError(start_DateTextBox, "Invalid date. Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy and before the end date.");
                            isValid = false;
                        //Validate start date only
                        if (!ValidateDate(start_DateTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                            dateValidator.SetError(start_DateTextBox, "Invalid date. Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy.");
                            isValid = false;
                    //Validate end date only
                    if ((tblContractBindingSource.Count > 1) && (tblContractBindingSource.Count != tblContractBindingSource.Position + 1))
                        //if not the last entry look for next entry and validate end date to be before next start date
                            LinqLoginDataContext dc = new LinqLoginDataContext();
                            var startDates = from conStarts in dc.tblContracts
                                             where conStarts.EmpID == int.Parse(empIDTextBox.Text) && conStarts.Start_Date > DateTime.Parse(start_DateTextBox.Text)
                                             select new

                            //This is a waistfull iteration and would possibly only report the finall comparison
                            foreach (var conStart in startDates)
                                if (!ValidateDate(end_DateTextBox.Text.Trim(), conStart.Start_Date.ToShortDateString()))
                                    dateValidator.SetError(end_DateTextBox, "Invalid date. Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy and before the " + conStart.Start_Date.ToShortDateString());
                                    isValid = false;
                            //To catch an error, not need to be reported to user but date must be validated
                            if (!ValidateDate(start_DateTextBox.Text.Trim(), end_DateTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                                dateValidator.SetError(end_DateTextBox, "Invalid date. Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy and after the start date.");
                                isValid = false;

                        //Validate against start date
                        if (!ValidateDate(start_DateTextBox.Text.Trim(), end_DateTextBox.Text.Trim()))
                            dateValidator.SetError(end_DateTextBox, "Invalid date. Must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy and after the start date.");
                            isValid = false;
            return isValid;

Which post contains your problem definition? If you talking about database then use SQL statements or linq.

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