I just recently purchase VB6 and was wondering if it is worth putting in the time to learn it, seeing that VB.net is being pushed by MS. Should I be trying to learn
VB.net instead? I'm basically new to programming and was just wondering if VB is
going to be gone in a few years and if any of you that have been programming for along time are switching?

From what I've heard inclass, the only difference is the names of commands...

If i were you, since you are starting to learn prog. why not give a try to vb.net.

But it's all depend to you. For me I can't talk much about .net.


In reference to this, I too am new to programming, and actually I'm trying to determine which language I want to focus on. It seems to me that just about every appplication I use that is written in vb.net loads rather slowly. I assume it's because the app gets compiled when it's run or something, but I wonder if this is (1) normal, (2) going to be resolved, (3) not really a recognized issue (meaning it's just me!). Anyone have any insight on this?

If you payed for something its probly worth using unless it refundable or doesnt cost alot.

I find that VB.NET is a bit slower loading and running than is VB6 (which is still slow compared to lower level languages). I also find VB6 to be more structured in a logical order, and the keywords and property names seem to fit better than in .NET. This is, however, just my opinion.

I find VB6 still quicker to develop in. But the true OO nature of VB.NET makes some things so much easier to do it's not funny. Want to explicitly associate an ADO recordset and all its properties with a combo box? Easy, just creaste your own class and use the references keyword to the combo box and the ado record set. To easy. Given that, though, I still do 90% of my dev in VB6 :P

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