hello, actually i need some help please, lets say i have a folder on my computer that contain only jpeg pictures and i wanna load them on a win form, and then have a next and previous button on the win form that will move among the images in the folder.Sorry for my English am french.am developing in vs 2005 using vb.net

Here's something to get you started

Private m_FileNames() As String
Private m_CurIndex As Integer

''' <summary>
''' Return file names
''' </summary>
''' <param name="RootPath">The path to start searching files</param>
''' <param name="FileMask">An array of file masks</param>
''' <param name="FileNames">Argument returns fully qualified file names</param>
''' <param name="ShortFileNames">Argument returns file names only</param>
''' <param name="RecurseDirs">If True, searches subdirectories too</param>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Sub ToolDir(ByVal RootPath As String, ByVal FileMask() As String, _
  ByRef FileNames() As String, ByRef ShortFileNames() As String, _
  ByVal RecurseDirs As Boolean)
  Dim DirInfo As DirectoryInfo
  Dim Files() As FileInfo
  Dim OneFile As FileInfo
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim j As Integer

    If FileMask.GetUpperBound(0) < 0 Then
      ReDim FileMask(0)

      FileMask(0) = "*.*"
    End If
    i = 0
    For j = 0 To FileMask.GetUpperBound(0)
      ReDim Files(0)
      If RecurseDirs Then
        DirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(RootPath)
        Files = DirInfo.GetFiles(FileMask(j), IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories)
        DirInfo = New DirectoryInfo(RootPath)
        Files = DirInfo.GetFiles(FileMask(j), IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
      End If

      For Each OneFile In Files
        ReDim Preserve FileNames(i)
        ReDim Preserve ShortFileNames(i)
        FileNames(i) = OneFile.FullName
        ShortFileNames(i) = OneFile.Name
        i += 1
    Next j
  Catch ex As Exception
    ' Handle errors
  End Try

End Sub

Private Sub LoadImage(ByVal ImageIndex As Integer)
  ' Load an image from the file
  If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(m_FileNames(ImageIndex)) Then
    PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(m_FileNames(ImageIndex))
  End If
  ' Handle errors!

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
  Dim FileMask(1) As String
  Dim ShortFileNames() As String
  Dim RootPath As String

  ' Initialize variables
  ReDim m_FileNames(0)
  ReDim ShortFileNames(0)
  m_CurIndex = 0
  FileMask(0) = "*.jpg"
  FileMask(1) = "*.jpeg"
  RootPath = "C:\" ' Scan the whole C drive, you may change this to some user selected folder
  ' Disable Next/Prev buttons
  Button2.Enabled = False
  Button3.Enabled = False

  ' Search images and recurse subdirectories too
  ToolDir(RootPath, FileMask, m_FileNames, ShortFileNames, True)
  If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(m_FileNames(0)) Then
    ' At least one image found, load it
    If m_FileNames.GetUpperBound(0) > 0 Then
      ' More than one images, enable Next button
      Button2.Enabled = True
    End If
  End If

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
  ' My Next button
  m_CurIndex += 1
  If m_CurIndex > m_FileNames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
    m_CurIndex = m_FileNames.GetUpperBound(0)
  End If
  If m_CurIndex = m_FileNames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
    ' Last image, disable Next button
    Button2.Enabled = False
  End If
  ' Enable Prev button
  If m_FileNames.GetUpperBound(0) > 0 Then
    ' More than one images, enable Prev button
    Button3.Enabled = True
  End If
  ' Load image

End Sub

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
  ' My Previous button 
  m_CurIndex -= 1
  If m_CurIndex < 0 Then
    m_CurIndex = 0
  End If
  If m_CurIndex = 0 Then
    ' First image, disable Prev button
    Button3.Enabled = False
  End If
  ' Enable Next button
  If m_FileNames.GetUpperBound(0) > 0 Then
    ' More than one images, enable Next button
    Button2.Enabled = True
  End If
  ' Load image

End Sub

Important parts are Public Sub ToolDir(ByVal RootPath As String, ByVal FileMask() As String, ByRef FileNames() As String, ByRef ShortFileNames() As String, ByVal RecurseDirs As Boolean) which searches for the files and Private Sub LoadImage(ByVal ImageIndex As Integer) which loads an image from the file to picture box.

I posted the same code in DaniWeb's Scanning Computer Music Files thread. You may take a look at that thread too. There's a bit more explanation about ToolDir procedure.

Moving between next/previous file is quite easy (Button2 and Button3). I didn't test the code, it's just to show how it could be done. Also, the "initialization" is done in the Button1 click event. You may want to do initialization in some other way.


Thank Teme64 for helping me, but am getting an error, lets say for the code that start with Private Sub Button1_Click(.... i will place a command button on the form this will be ok , but what control should i put on the form for the code Public Sub ToolDir(ByVal RootPath As String, ByVal FileMask() As String, _
ByRef FileNames() As String, ByRef ShortFileNames() As String, _
ByVal RecurseDirs As Boolean)

but what control should i put on the form for the code Public Sub ToolDir(ByVal RootPath As String, ByVal FileMask() As String, _
ByRef FileNames() As String, ByRef ShortFileNames() As String, _
ByVal RecurseDirs As Boolean)

None. It's a subroutine that searches for the files. And in your case it gets all the JPEG images. You can put the sub in a separate module, it doesn't have to be in the same file with form's code. It's a generic file searcher and you can use it somewhere else too, for example to search for all *.doc and *.xls files from the C-drive.

If you get some error, remember always post the exact error message and show the code where the error occurs. In that way you do get help quicker and most of all, the correct answers.

hello again Teme64 well you know what i have done i have change a little the code well i mess a littles , i change this

Dim DirInfo As DirectoryInfo
Dim Files() As FileInfo
Dim OneFile As FileInfo

to this one

Dim DirInfo As IO.DirectoryInfo
        Dim Files() As IO.FileInfo
        Dim OneFile As IO.FileInfo

My first post was missing

Imports System.IO

Sorry, my mistake :)
In the Scanning Computer Music Files thread, where's the same code, I had remembered to show correct namespace importing.

its ok thank for helping me Teme64.Have a nice day

Hi! Nice to hear that you got answer to your problem. Could you please mark the thread as solved. Thank you!

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