Hello, everyone!

I will graduate in this month, and I have contracted with a software development company as a Java Programmer. I am, however, wondering how could I become an excellent Java programmer!

I need some suggestions on: how to improve my development skills? what kind of book or journal should I read?, etc.


well how much knowladge about java do you have so far, by estimations?

If you're good with algorithms you'll probably be ok.

If not then good luck?

I guess that's not the only issue though. There are also other things to consider such as space an application can (or will) take up, how long something will take to run and knowledge about particular sorts, structures, concurrency, compiler grammar... etc... it depends on who you're working for and what you're expected to do.

Can you be more elaborate about the company and their business, or more specifically what they want you to do?

This may sound trivial, but... write Java programs! Pick areas of Java you are unfamiliar with and develop an app using them. You'll learn an awful lot that way, and it will be 100% useful stuff you're learning.

Try to read following books Effective Java - 2nd Edition, Concurrency in Practice and Head First Design Patterns. It is very interesting and useful reading for starting and even experienced developers

This may sound trivial, but... write Java programs! Pick areas of Java you are unfamiliar with and develop an app using them. You'll learn an awful lot that way, and it will be 100% useful stuff you're learning.


I would highly recommend Code Complete, 2nd Edition. It covers a lot of stuff that you just don't find in tutorials or text books.

I would highly recommend Code Complete, 2nd Edition. It covers a lot of stuff that you just don't find in tutorials or text books.

Yes, another good one. Unfortunately I had no time to read it yet...

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