hi i am truly just a student at this time soon to be the worlds best programmer there is just this one hickup with my studies

i am trying to learn the c++ visual studio 2008 as part of my current course i am taking and every thing went well untill i had to create a setup or deployment project i could not find the stuff they where talking about eg.

they say
From the File menu, click Add, and then click New Project....

The Add New Project dialog box appears.

From the Project types: pane, expand the Other Project Types node and select Setup and Deployment.

From the Templates pane, select Setup Wizard. Type a name for the setup project, such as gameInstaller, and click the OK button.

all is well but i do not have that "OTHER PROJECT TYPES " i have tryed what i thought was best but could not find it how can i get that on my version of C++ visual studio 2008

i beleive that windows vista could be part of the problem or maybe i am just a dummy

please help me!!!!!!!!

>all is well but i do not have that "OTHER PROJECT TYPES "
That's because you're probably using an Express Edition, there are no Setup and Deployment Projects in the Express Editions...

>i beleive that windows vista could be part of the problem
No, certainly not, Visual Studio 2008 was designed to run on Vista :)

BTW, You could quickly have found this answer by Googling: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/Vsexpressvc/thread/abb8efd6-c44a-4767-8271-6cbe95286a42 (Found within a few seconds, on top of the list :P)

thanks i finally found out i am not that stupid. thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

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