I have the following script:

import sys
import os
import re
pages = []
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
                for f in files:
                        filename = os.path.join(root, f)
                        if (filename.endswith('.html')) or (filename.endswith('.htm')):

for page in pages:
        f = open(page, "r")
        count = 1
        for line in f:
                if re.match("<a href=\"", line):
                        split1 = re.split("<a href=\"", line)[1]
                        split = re.split("\"", split1)
                        if  not os.path.exists(split[0]):
                                if not split[0].startswith("www"):
                                        print "################### Link Error ###################"
                                        print "Error with line %i in file %s, the page '%s' doesn't exist:" % (count, page, split[0])
                                        print line

                elif re.match("<a href='", line):
                        split1 = re.split("<a href='", line)[1]
                        split = re.split("'", split1)
                        if  not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(split[0])):
                                if not split[0].startswith("www"):
                                        print "################### Link Error ###################"
                                        print "Error with line %i in file %s, the page '%s' doesn't exist:" % (count, page, split[0])
                                        print line

                count += 1

when run:

$ python linkvalidator.py /home/matio/Documents/website/
################### Link Error ###################
Error with line 50 in file /home/matio/Documents/website/fun.htm, the page '06 - Track 6.mp3' doesn't exist:
<a href="06 - Track 6.mp3">Some music!</a>

################### Link Error ###################
Error with line 25 in file /home/matio/Documents/website/school_quiz.html, the page 'fun.htm' doesn't exist:
<a href="fun.htm">Back</a>

################### Link Error ###################
Error with line 11 in file /home/matio/Documents/website/imagemap/overview.htm, the page '../map.htm' doesn't exist:
<a href="../map.htm">Back to map page</a>

when i ls:

$ ls ~/Documents/website/
06 - Track 6.mp3  fun.htm            jblock.gif        miss.htm~  quote10.html   resources                student_office.htm   video.htm
art.png           fun.htm~           les.htm       mr_.htm     quote10.html~  r.png                    student_office.htm~  video.htm~
b.png             german_songs.htm   lessons.htm~      mr.htm~    quote1.html    school_quiz.html         style_change.js      videos
buddies.htm       german_songs.htm~  library.png       mrs_kane.htm       quote2.html    school_quiz.html~        style_change.js~     v_map.htm
buddies.htm~      gi.htm             main_office.htm   mrs_kane.htm~      quote3.html    school_quiz_process.js   style.htm            v_map.htm~
canteen.htm       gi.htm~            main_office.htm~  office.png         quote4.html    school_quiz_process.js~  style.htm~           year_6_2.htm
canteen.htm~      imagemap           map2.htm          overview.jpg       quote5.html    slideshow.htm            Templates            year_6_2.htm~
chapel.png        images             map.htm           parents.htm        quote6.html    slideshow.htm~           test.htm             year_6.htm
cl.htm            index.html         map.htm~          q_a.htm            quote7.html    sportshall_outside.png   tour.htm             year_6.htm~
credits.htm       interviews.htm     mblock.jpg        q_a.htm~           quote8.html    spotshall.png            video_2.htm~
css               interviews.htm~    miss.htm  quote0.html        quote9.html    stained_glass.png        video_3.htm~

Why don't you put a check at the beginning of your script to see what your cwd is. Use os.getcwd() or os.listdir('.') to verify you're actually running your script from the proper directory.

It's not, those links that don't exist do! The os.path.abspath seems to be problem, for the errors it seems to think that the abspath is the curremt working dir, when it isn't

I'll have to cd to every dir if I have sub dirs eg:
so there id have to cd to imagemap for it to wrok?


It now works

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