Hi ppl I would really appreciate if someone help me out here. I really tried to do this problem and its driving me crazy. All I could get is the algorithum of worst fit, best-fit next fit and first fit. Please help me as soon as I can. And I will help ppl with anything I can.


The problem it to implement first fit, best fit next fit and worst fit
1. must input mem size and the number and sizes of all the partitions
all the partitions (limit the max num of the partitions to 5)
2. for each partition you should create a descriptor with at least the following info.
partition size;
partition num;
partition status (free/busy)
size of unused space("hole")
job name (ex: j01 or j15)

input the job list that includes
job name;
job size

What have you done and what are you having problems with?

I just know the algorithum I really can't put the prog together if you can help me plllease i would really apreciate :)

I really can't compile this since it gives me some type of error. And also please can you help me out put it together I really need help putting it together Many thanks ...


I have viewed and compiled the source files without warnings or errors with Visual C++ .Net 2003. I did not see main() declared in either of your two files, as I added it manually during my build. Would you mind sharing the precise error and what's your current compiler?

- Stack Overflow


I have viewed and compiled the source files without warnings or errors with Visual C++ .Net 2003. I did not see main() declared in either of your two files, as I added it manually during my build. Would you mind sharing the precise error and what's your current compiler?

- Stack Overflow

This is the error I receive when I compile is the following..
LIBCD.lib(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main
Debug/mem-.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

mem-.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s).

I use microsoft visual c++ version 6.0


An unresolved external occurs when some code has a call to a function in another module and the linker can't find that function in any of the modules or libraries that you are currently linking to.

In this specific case, it means one of two things. Either you are trying to write a Win32 GUI application (or non-console application) and accidently compiled it as a Console application... or you really are trying to compile a console application and didn't write or properly compile in a main() function.

P.S. Make sure your program has an entry point, i.e. main()

A basic implementation of a program entry point in C++ is the following:

int main(void) {
	return 0;

- Stack Overflow


An unresolved external occurs when some code has a call to a function in another module and the linker can't find that function in any of the modules or libraries that you are currently linking to.

In this specific case, it means one of two things. Either you are trying to write a Win32 GUI application (or non-console application) and accidently compiled it as a Console application... or you really are trying to compile a console application and didn't write or properly compile in a main() function.

P.S. Make sure your program has an entry point, i.e. main()

A basic implementation of a program entry point in C++ is the following:

int main(void) {
	return 0;

- Stack Overflow

Didn;t really resolve my prb actually now I have 52 erros can you copy and paste your version with no erros please


Attached is a modified version of your main file: main.cpp

My workspace contains 1 Source File, main.cpp, and 1 Header File, free_list.h.

- Stack Overflow

I really also need help with the question. Please I really tried but and tried to implement best fit worst fit next fit first fit but I dont know how to tackle the question .
The problem it to implement first fit, best fit next fit and worst fit
1. must input mem size and the number and sizes of all the partitions
all the partitions (limit the max num of the partitions to 5)
2. for each partition you should create a descriptor with at least the following info.
partition size;
partition num;
partition status (free/busy)
size of unused space("hole")
job name (ex: j01 or j15)

input the job list that includes
job name;
job size

PLease help out here... Thanks in advance

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