HI EVERYONE :D!! This is my first thread. Well today was my birthday! And I got my first computer! I have always wanted one and I have always wanted to start programming! I got a Microsoft Windows XP and a extra external hard drive!! Not the best computer ever but hey it is a computer!!
Well I wanted to ask everyone something: with the computer I got a C++ beginner programming book, and a Ubuntu Linux book. I know Linux is an operating system, says its like windows or something but for true programmers.
-- My Question --
Should I learn how to do C++ in windows and then learn.. Linux shell scripting (did I say that right)? I want to be a white-hat hacker someday :D!

Programing's programing. Unless you're doing system specific stuff.

Many Many Happy Returns Of The Day !!! And Welcome....

>Should I learn how to do C++ in windows and then learn.. Linux shell scripting (did I say that right)?
Well if you ask me thats the easy way but I would suggest you to learn and practice according to standards so install the Ubuntu you have got download a standard version of gcc (for c) and g++ (for C++) and go on coding...

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