I don't use combo boxes very much, so I basically forgot how to use them. Im connecting to an SQL database and I just want to populate a combo box with a users first name. Heres what I have so far:

DBATimeOff.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT FName FROM tblEmployee"

CmbEmployee.DisplayMember = "FName"
CmbEmployee.ValueMember = "EmployeeID"

Am I even close?

Thanks in advance

Ok once you have a connection set up, the easiest way to go is using a dataset you can basically do this. i did not test this.

Dim statement As String = "SELECT EmployeeId, FName FROM tblEmployee"
Dim adapt As New SqlDataAdapter(statement,connection)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
CmbEmployee.DataSource = ds
CmbEmployee.DisplayMember = "FName"
CmbEmployee.ValueMember = "EmployeeID"


I could not get that code to work. Heres my full code if it helps:


DBATimeOff.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT FName FROM tblEmployee"


CmbEmployee.DataSource = DataTimeOff

CmbEmployee.DisplayMember = "FName"

Wrap source code with BB code tag - See # icon at toolbar.

Post your complete code and error description.


        DBATimeOff.SelectCommand.CommandText = "SELECT FName FROM tblEmployee"


        CmbEmployee.DataSource = DataTimeOff

        CmbEmployee.DisplayMember = "FName"

I dont get any errors, but the combo box is not populating. Instead, the combo box is displaying this:

I think something weird is happening with the dataset.

I said "post your complete code".

If DataTimeOff is an instance of DataTable then use following code:

CmbEmployee.DataSource = DataTimeOff
       CmbEmployee.DisplayMember = DataTimeOff.Columns(0).ColumnName

and If DataTimeOff is DataSet instance then use following code:

CmbEmployee.DataSource = DataTimeOff.Tables(0)
       CmbEmployee.DisplayMember = DataTimeOff.Tables(0).Columns(0).ColumnName
commented: Thanks! +1

That did it! thank you!

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