
I'm new member I have some problem to ask.

I' will connect Crystal Report 11 with VB6.0 but
I don't know How to connect

I know the first time, you must add Component Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library 11.0 and Add reference Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer Run Time Library 11.0 befor to code with Vb6.
But I can't to find it.

Help me please...

If CR is installed correctly on your system and you are actually using VB 6.0 and not VB.NET then you should be able to find the references under Project>References. For the control, if any, right click on toolbox and select components. Use their help files to see the examples on how to use.

Good Luck

If CR is installed correctly on your system and you are actually using VB 6.0 and not VB.NET then you should be able to find the references under Project>References. For the control, if any, right click on toolbox and select components. Use their help files to see the examples on how to use.

Good Luck

Right all . I use VB 6.0 and find it in references project and Components. But I don't see it

I'm installed all program step by step , it not wrong

I don't know What happen ???

There are differences between the retail versions of CR. Meaning you need a developers license/version more than likely, as there are versions that cannot be used by a programming environment to be added to a program. Or, you may just need to browse to where CR is installed. Then again, 11 may not support VB6. I have 10.5 that came with with studio 2k8 and I can see the 10.5 from VB6.

Good Luck

I can't understand . what your mean.

Am use Crystal Report XI License with VB6.0

pleas help me , how to do it

Quote From PM

I have right click on the toolbox and select components in tab Designers don't have Crystal Report 11 , But in tab designers have crystal Report 8.5

I don't know how to solve a problem
my Crystal Report 11 is ...

CR Professional: Product type : Full
Product Version :

Don't know what to tell you Candy. Try designing your report with 11 but add the 8.5 controls and see if you can view your reports. It just may be that the 8.5 activex controls will allow you to use the 11 reports.

Good Luck

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