I am searching for a book(s) which explains things like the following -

1. Difference between memory allocation of local and global (or other static variables)....? (or why i cant initialize a global variable more than once outside main and all other functions)

2. Holes in structures, and structures and pointers.

3. Deep concepts in pointers, objects, classes.....i mean relation between pointers and OOP.

4. near, far, Huge pointers.

5. Some insight into how the compiler does something....I dont want to know the exact details of compiler working, but there are some concepts I feel can be better understood if i know how compiler does it.

I have already tried Pointers In C by Yashwant Kanetkar and didnt find it very useful.
I am finding that the C++ Programming Language by Bjarne Stroussoup answers some of these questions, but i want a bit more detail, and a dedicated book for this.

I found that a book named "C++ Pointers and Dynamic memory management by Michael C. Daconta " holds these answers, but i cant find the book anywhere in my city to get it and see if its really worth it. So please tell me if its a good book for this purpose, so i can order it online.

1. Difference between memory allocation of local and global (or other static variables)....? (or why i cant initialize a global variable more than once outside main and all other functions)

2. Holes in structures, and structures and pointers.

3. Deep concepts in pointers, objects, classes.....i mean relation between pointers and OOP.

A good book.
A very good book.
Has a few gems on what you want.
Cheap enough to get even if it's bad.

4. near, far, Huge pointers.

Memory segmentation is why those were born. Wikipedia is pretty good about explaining how each one works.

5. Some insight into how the compiler does something....

Every compiler is different, but you can't got wrong learning how compilers work in general.

Haven't read it yet,
but free book by Bruce Eckel.
Just google out "Thinking in C++"
BTW I have enjoyed Deitel's C++ book

You would also like " THE C++ PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE " by
Bjarne Stroustrup.
Edit: There are different editions of the book. Prefer the latest one, I believe its the third.

@tom Gunn

hey, thanks for the suggestions, but are u sure that the book - "C++ Pointers and Dynamic memory management by Michael C.Daconta" is a bad book ?? I've been looking frantically for it everywhere because the index and reviews of the book seemed luring, but havent found any preview or the book itself yet, so i surely dont know how the book is.
Please confirm if the book is not worth having, and doesnt answer the questions above, and it will be a huge help to me (a lot of relief too)......
Thanks again.

but are u sure that the book - "C++ Pointers and Dynamic memory management by Michael C.Daconta" is a bad book ??

I haven't read it or heard anything about it. What I meant was that it is cheap on amazon, so if it turns out to be a bad book, you don't lose much by ordering it online.

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