i have completed my project in c# in visual studio 2008
i have used shockwaveflash for playing .swf files
its working fine .., i have done setuped the project with all prerequests
given .netframe work and windows installer all except the shockwaveflash.
so i want

i want to check the shockwaveplash and flash player are installed or not if not installed. if it is installed then i have to continue the intallation else install from the location same like .netframe work.

can any body help please its urgent for me

I am using a call to check for the presence of the .ocx file sin the default installation folder like this:

private void InstallFlashPlayer()
            string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir"), @"system32\Macromed\Flash\");
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                if (Directory.GetFiles(path, "Flash10*.ocx") == null)
                    ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    start.Arguments = "/s";
                    start.UseShellExecute = true;
                    start.FileName = Path.Combine(SWF.Application.StartupPath, "Fp10ActiveX.exe");
                    using (Process proc = Process.Start(start))

Thank you for your reply!

actually i need how to add it in launch condition
same like .netFrame work condition.
is there any solution for this

I am using a call to check for the presence of the .ocx file sin the default installation folder like this:

private void InstallFlashPlayer()
            string path = Path.Combine(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("windir"), @"system32\Macromed\Flash\");
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                if (Directory.GetFiles(path, "Flash10*.ocx") == null)
                    ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo();
                    start.Arguments = "/s";
                    start.UseShellExecute = true;
                    start.FileName = Path.Combine(SWF.Application.StartupPath, "Fp10ActiveX.exe");
                    using (Process proc = Process.Start(start))

I'm afraid I don't quite understand exactly what you mean. Can you be a touch more specific?


i mean to say

i need what is the procedure to search file or registery key
in launch condition fro flash player

I'm afraid I don't quite understand exactly what you mean. Can you be a touch more specific?

1. Right click on the deployment project -- View -- Launch Conditions
2. Right click on "Requirements on Target Machine" -- "Add file launch condition"
3. Fill out the necessary information on the new launch condition for flash

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