Please need some help

on what servers in windows/linux can c++ applications be deployed?

Is the .exe file deployed or a library is created out of the application for deployment?

thank you

Its you who needs to decide which application you need to develop and on which platform.You have specific tools for both.So its your decision.

>>Is the .exe file deployed or a library is created out of the application for deployment?

The exe. Only exe files are run on a Windows operating system -- libraries and DLLs require exe files to run them. Depending on the exe program you may also have to deploy one or more DLLs along with the exe program.

If you want the same program to run on both Windows and *nix you will have to compile them on under both operating systems -- the same binary program will not normally run on both systems. And in some cases that may require major rewrites of the program to port from one os to another.

Hey, Thx for the information

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