i am doing bscs from GCU lahore PK.i have assigned a project name as MOVIE RENTAL STORE using OOP concepts plz help me to do my project

i,ll b thankful to you,

umair ahmad

Salem commented: Actually, we don't give a toss about your sense of urgency -7

Welcome umair125,

We are willing to help you. Please read the rules at daniweb.

Title of post must be a short description of your question.
---- Do not use "urgent help plz read".
How to use bb code tag?
A guideline to use message editor.
Homework rule.

Hi omir
People are normally quite friendly inhere,
but you should ask a specific question.

good luck

Store and Movie are concepts, rent a movie is the action , now give it a start.

Hi omir
People are normally quite friendly inhere,
but you should ask a specific question.

good luck

thanks for replaying,

i mean i want to create 2 classes movie and customer and i have the functions add movie , view movie list ,delete movie, get a movie these functions are also in customers class like ass custommers....

what should i do first plz help me

>what should i do first plz help me
Begin creating one of the classes, no matter which one you start with.
Do you know how a class skeleton looks like?
If no, then I would like to suggest you to read your text book first.
Otherwise, give it a shot and post what you've come up with.

Create Movie, MovieCollection,Customer, RentRegister classes.

Movie class represents a single record of movie.

class Movie {
         string title;
         string .....
        public :
                  setter/getter methods

MovieCollection is a list of Movie object - which include methods like
AddMovie, RemoveMovie, List, etc.

Customer class has fields like - name,address, phone etc.

RentRegister is a list of Rent record and it might includes:

class RentRegister {
          Customer *customer;
          Movie       *movie;
          string date;
    public :

hi friends i need a MOVIE RENTAL SHOP code using OOP concepts plz help me

So... what have you tried so far? You need to show effort as we're not some sort of request forum that just whips up all the code for you. Post what code you have so far, specifics of what you need help with, etc. Then I'll consider helping you.

So... what have you tried so far? You need to show effort as we're not some sort of request forum that just whips up all the code for you. Post what code you have so far, specifics of what you need help with, etc. Then I'll consider helping you.

dont be so rude

commented: Don't give such comments, instead: be thankful to those who already replied to your thread. -2
commented: That's not rude. Rude would be calling you a lazy bast*rd. -4

I'm not.... I'm following the rules for posting questions on this forum. Maybe you should take a look at them.

shadwickman is right -- we are not here to write programs for people but to help them write their own programs. You will not learn anything if all you do is copy someone else's work.

The first thing you need to do is sit down with pencil & paper and write down all the things your program needs to do. Then start writing a program that accomplishes that list, coding one small part at a time.

two threads merged.

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